Top 60 Best WordPress Tutorials

WordPress the one of top blogging platforms yet it had evolved as the best Content Management System (CMS). As a web developer, I’m just going to show you guys 60 WordPress Tutorials that a beginner web developer needs. In the following WordPress tutorials, you will learn many things about WP.

If you are reading this article, there is nothing that can stop you from developing your own themes, plugins and code snippets for WordPress.

WordPress Tutorials

We are going to browse out some best WordPress Tutorials based on following key concepts. These tutorials are for all those who want to learn more and more about WordPress core and get the most out of it. Anyways, let me narrow down this topic by categorizing the WordPress tutorials:

Basic Assumptions:

  1. The Basic Starter WordPress Tutorials 
  2. WordPress Themes Tutorials
  3. WordPress Plugins Tutorials
  4. WordPress Widgets
  5. Page Speed Optimization
  6. SEO Optimization
  7. Security
  8. Troubleshooting with WordPress
  9. Genesis Framework Tutorials

So, we shall list the WordPress Tutorials on the basis of above list. I hope you are ready for it, let’s get in.

The Basic Starter WordPress Tutorials

1. How to Start Building a Website

For beginners who want to know about building a website, can read this tutorial on How to Start Building a Website. Where, you don’t need to learn web development/designing languages to create a website such as HTML,  CSS, PHP, jQuery, etc no you don’t. And after reading this tutorial you will be able to understand how to start small business website online.

2. How to Install WordPress

As we’ve listed 60 WordPress Tutorials in this article, the main tutorial that every beginner blogger should know about how to install WordPress. The WordPress??? Eh! It’s a Gigantic Blogging Platform yet it’s also known as content management system (CMS), BTW more than 60 Million websites are hosted by WP CMS still growing day by day.

3. How to Install WordPress in Windows using WampServer?

If you want to start learning and implementing your codes for WordPress (as a developer does) then Installing WordPress in Windows can help you start your WP development career so easy. In this tutorial, you will get to know more about installing WordPress in Windows with what benefits does it give you. In this way, you can easily polish your web development languages skills along with fast and comfortable working with them.

4. How to Install a Plugin in WordPress

This is the very first thing that a newbie does. A plugin can extend the functionality of WordPress core and gives you more options to make your blog dynamic. So, if you are new and don’t know how to install a plugin in WP blog, read this guide.

5. How To Become A Top WordPress Developer

First, let’s set a few things straight: becoming a top WordPress developer is hard work — very hard work. It’s going to take a lot of time, energy and determination. By-the-way, installing WordPress, reading a few tutorials and customizing themes does not make someone a top developer. They may call themselves an “Expert”, and that’s fine. Because they may more than that of an average person. But a top developer moves far beyond the basics, and pushes the very boundaries of what is possible. They innovate, contribute to the community, and demonstrate mastery in the work they do. So I want you to be more than an “expert”, I want you to be one of the best. If you want to be one of Top WordPress Developers, read this awesome guide on Smashing Magazine.

6. Moving WordPress to Another Domain/Directory

It’s quite easy to move WordPress from one directory to another. This may come when you want to grow your network. By moving WordPress to /blog/ or whatever your plans are, you will get an opportunity to grow your network, read this guide.

Move WP to a new domain in 10 easy steps!

7. How to Setup WordPress MU Blog from Scratch (In Existing WP Blog Too)?

The WordPress MU is the Multi-User version of WP. Which enables us to set up a large network of blogs like Magazine, News Papers, etc. It’s much like which offers visitors to register new blogs same like that you’ll be able to offer your readers to create their blogs.

For more details on how to set up WordPress MU blog. > The Beginner’s Guide to WordPress Multisite.

8.How to Create Forums with bbPress in WordPress?

You can also create Forum section in your blog. To add a Forum section in your existing WordPress blog, read this guide.

Related  Daily WordPress Plugins Roundup – 20 July.2013

WordPress Themes Tutorials

9. WordPress Codex on Theme Development

The WordPress Codex is where you can easily get most out of WP’s development, it’s really a best way/source if you are trying to learn more about WordPress Theme Development.

10. Guide To WordPress Coding Standards

A definitive guide to WordPress Coding Standards, by Smashing Magazine. The coding standards is the main thing if you want to develop themes and plugins that works in new as well as previous version of WP. Day by day, WP makes changes and upgrades its versions. In order to write up to date coding, you must take a look on WordPress Coding Standards.

11. 10 Useful WordPress Coding Techniques

In this article, Smashing Magazine compiled 10 useful WordPress code snippets, hacks and tips to help you create a WordPress theme that stands out from the crowd.

12. How to Build A WordPress Theme From Scratch Part One

A developer with some skills in CSS and HTML can easily create his own WordPress themes to give his site the ability to provide a unique experience/design for his visitors. This tutorial will walk you through the steps of creating your own theme.

13۔ Developing Your First WordPress Theme

Developing Your First WordPress Theme is a long-term article containing 1 of 3 different parts. This will be the all in one pack about developing your first WP theme.

14. WordPress Theme Customization Guide & Tutorial

This guide (about WP Theme Customization) is actually intended for those who has the basic knowledge and comfortable working with HTML and CSS, but aren’t too familiar with the way WordPress themes work.

15. 15 WordPress Tutorials To Help You Build WordPress Themes

This post rounds up 15 of the best WordPress theme tutorials, in which each tutorial will take you through the process of building your own WP themes from scratch.

16. Using XAMPP for Local WordPress Theme Development

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to install and configure XAMPP for local WP Theme Development. Once that’s out of the way, we’ll install WP so that you can have your very own professional, light-weight PHP and WordPress development environment.

17. How to Upgrade a Theme in WordPress

This tutorial will take you through how to upgrade a theme in WordPress. Out there are three secure ways to make it happen.

18. How to Create a WordPress Theme in 5 Minutes

Anyone who want to create a basic WP theme within 5 minutes can read this article. It is not about building and designing WP theme and make it out stand. No, this tutorial will only describe you WP theme structure explanation.

19. 25 Useful Code Snippets for WordPress

25 useful code snippets for WordPress. These snippets will surely help you modify your WordPress website in some ways. They are very easy to use. All you have to do is add/modify the relevant template with the code detailed in this article.

20. Tips And Tricks For Testing WordPress Themes

As after reading many tutorials on developing WordPress themes, now you should take a look on tips and tricks for testing your WP themes.

21. Developing a Responsive Child Theme

Are you looking for Developing a Responsive Child Theme. It’s an awesome tutorial to make one.

22. A Guide To The Options For WordPress Theme Development

In this article, Smashing Magazine will take you through how WordPress themes work and complete guide and options for WordPress theme development.

23. WordPress Theme Hacks

A collection of simple WordPress hacks that you’ll find yourself reusing all the time when working with themes.

WordPress Plugins Tutorials

24. Ten Things Every WordPress Plugin Developer Should Know

When working and developing WP plugins, you should take a thorough look on what every WordPress plugin developer should know (10 Things), before start developing his plugins.

25. Inside WordPress Actions And Filters

Learn how to get inside WordPress Actions and Filters and how to use them.

— How to Start Building First WordPress Plugin

26) Writing a Plugin

If you have just decided to write plugins for WordPress. Then it’s really a nice idea even you will learn more about codings of WP and you be giving something back to WP community.

27) Building your first WordPress plugin (part 1)

This is part 1 of building first WP plugin in which WebDesignerDepot will take you through the basics of writing your first WP plugin. Like installing, activating, and deactivating plugins.

Related  How to Add Social Icons to WordPress Menus

28) Building your first WordPress plugin (part 2)

This is part 2 of building first WP plugin in which WebDesignerDepot will take you through how to use action, filters, and conditional tags within a WP plugin. The concept of hooks, actions, and filters is responsible for that and it’s being the real heart of the whole WordPress plugins system.

29) Building your first WordPress plugin (part 3)

This is part 3 of building first WP plugin in which WebDesignerDepot will take you through plugin options. This is one of the most common tasks that every plugin needs to perform.

30) Writing Your First WordPress Plugins, Basic to Advanced

Writing Your First WordPress Plugins, Basic to Advanced is series (containing 7 articles) post by PippinsPlugins. I’ve already learnt a lot from Pippins best practices. He is one of great WordPress developers in my mind.

31) How to Create Your Very First WordPress Plugin

Learn how to create your first WordPress plugin with

32) WordPress Essentials: How To Create A WordPress Plugin

In this awesome tutorial, you will learn the essentials about creating a WP plugin.

33) WordPress Plugin Development from Scratch, Part 1/4: Basic Structure.

Now, you can start developing your first plugin just by following 4 simple series tutorials. Read how to WP plugin development from scratch.

34. Next and Previous Links

Next and Previous post links guide your readers and visitors to walk through your blog. Learn how to add next and previews post links in WP.

WordPress Widgets

35. WordPress Widgets

The WordPress Widgets add the content and features often plugins will add their own widgets to your Sidebars. Examples are the default widgets that come with WordPress i.e, Search, Categories, Navigation, Tag clouds, Custom Menu, Meta, etc.

36. PHP Text Widget — Allow PHP In WordPress Text Widget

This tutorial will let’s you make use of PHP language in the text widget in WP blog. Wondered??? I also did.

37. How to Show related posts without a plugin

Displaying related posts without a plugin is somewhat many bloggers don’t have. But now, you can show related posts without a plugin.

38. How to highlight author comments in WordPress

Wow, the Google Search engine engineer MATT CUTS had a great tutorial on how to highlight post author comments in WordPress.

39. How to Build Custom Dashboard Widgets

If you are trying to add custom dashboard widgets simply follow this guide. A guide to build your custom dashboard widgets in WordPress.

WordPress Page Speed Optimization

40. 10 Steps to Get 95+ Score on Google Page Speed Insights (WordPress Only)

Having a better website page speed affects both visitors experience and a good improvement in search engine ranking. Which is somewhat hard to accomplish. But for those out there who uses WordPress CMS (Content Management System), it’s no longer be a hard task to achieve an outstanding performance for their WordPress blogs. Check out 10 Steps to Get 95+ Score on Google Page Speed Insights.

41. W3 Total Cache Optimization Guide

This is a great tutorial about setting up W3 Total Cache, the is one of best caching WP plugin which let’s you cache your blog whenever you want.

42. How to Speed Up WordPress: 15 Easy Methods

Gregory Ciotti the founder of Sparring Mind had a great tutorial about 15 Easy Methods to Speed up WordPress. I hope you will like this guide.

43. WP Super Cache: A Guide That You Really Need

WP Super Cache WordPress plugin let’s you make you site load fast by caching the untidy tags from HTML webpage generated by WordPress automatically by installing and activating plugins and themes. It has been downloaded more than 4.5 million times. It will not only cache your blog but it also enables gzip compression, gives you to use free CDN, and more…

44. 11 Steps To Speed Up Your WordPress Site

In this tutorial about 11 steps to speed up your WordPress site, you’ll learn what changes help your website load fast.

WordPress SEO Optimization

45. The Definitive Guide To Higher Rankings For WordPress Sites

If you are trying to find out how to rank higher in search engines for your WP blog. You should take a look on a very definitive guide to higher ranking for WP sites.

46. How to Use noodp and noydir Search Engine Meta Tags in WordPress?

In this article, you will learn exactly the use of noodp and noydir search engine meta tags in WordPress. Moreover, what these two tags are and what they does if we use in our blogs. Everything will be discussed regarding these tags so stay tuned with this article if you want to know about noodp and noydir.

Related  How to Protect Login Page in WordPress using .htaccess

47. How to Set SEO Friendly Permalinks on WordPress?

This tutorial about how to set SEO friendly permalinks on WordPress. Because the permalink of the post plays a vital role if you want to make your site more search engine friendly.

48. How to Verify Google Authorship Manually in WordPress

Learn how to verify Google Authorship in WordPress. rel=”author” and rel=”me” in WP and other platforms. This definitive guide will take you through each and every step about verifying your Google Authorship.

49. How to Force Search Engines for Quick Indexation in WordPress?

Yeah! Who don’t want to force search engines for quick indexation. Of course every blogger wants. Don’t you? By-the-why, now WordPress users can now simply force search engines for quick indexation.

WordPress Security

50. Hardening WordPress

As far as, I know that WordPress is built up with PHP as a back-end and it’s the open source language. Every week people finds bugs in PHP. In order to make PHP clean and tidy. So, WP developers have to update its version gradually as after the new PHP’s version comes and to make use of new PHP in WP. Security in WordPress is taken very seriously, this article will take you through some common forms of vulnerabilities, and the things you can do to help keep your WordPress installation secure.

51. 11 Quick Tips: Securing Your WordPress Site

Best of best 11 quick tips securing your WordPress site. This article will going to cover the tips related to securing your WordPress site. Tips includes protecting files, WordPress admin restriction, login restriction, database protection, etc.

52. WordPress Security Threats That You Should Look Out For

This tutorial will teach you the basic WordPress Security Threats that you should look out for. There are five WordPress security threats that you should look out for and also how you can prevent them.

53. Top 12 Practices to Secure your WordPress site From Being Hacked

If you have got your WordPress blog hacked, check out how to recover. BTW, top 12 practices to secure WP site from being hacked.

54. Best Practices for Keeping WordPress Clean & Secure

How deep should you go into studying WP security? Just follow Best Practices for Keeping WordPress Clean & Secure.

Troubleshooting with WordPress

55. Common WordPress Malware Infections

Learn the most four malware infections suspected in WordPress.

56. My Opinions to Prevent Brute Force Attacks on WordPress Login

If your WordPress blog is facing brute force attacks, follow my opinions to prevent brute force attacks on WordPress Login.

57. How to Access wp-admin or wp-login.php under Brute Force Attack?

Have you blog hit by brute force attack and you are now unable to access your blog login page. Just click here to access login page under brute force attack.

Genesis Framework Tutorials

58. How to Add Social Sharing Buttons Below Post Info in Genesis?

In this article, I’m going to show you about how we can add pretty good-looking colorful social sharing buttons (SSB) below post info in Genesis Framework.

59. How to Add a Newsletter Signup Box After your Posts

This tutorial will teach you about How to Add a Newsletter Signup Box After Your Posts.

60. How to Add a Sticky Menu in Genesis

In this article, I’m going to show you how to add sticky menu in Genesis. Yeah! We can simply add a sticky menu in Genesis without touching a couple of codes.

61. How to Add a Stream Page to Your Genesis-Powered Website

In this Genesis tutorial Briangardner will show you how to add a stream page to your Genesis-Powered Website.

62. How to Add Colored Content Boxes to Your Blog Posts

How to Add Colored Content Boxes to Your Blog Posts

More tutorials on Genesis


  1. Great man . You have collect all the useful thing related to wordpress i a single article step by step . It will really help newbies blogger to set up their worpress blog

    1. Yeah, @Amrish you are absolutely right. That these step to step 60 WordPress tutorials will help Newbie bloggers. They can also work for WordPress development and make their own plugins and themes…

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