About Softstribe

Softstribe.com was created in 2012 to help users of WordPress, Android, and Web resources on all levels. As our network always help those people with tons of awesome resources on this site. We always aims to provide quality guidance to Bloggers, Webmasters, Web Developers and Android Users. It covers Free Web Development Resources, WordPress Tutorials, WordPress Plugins, WordPress How-to Guides, WordPress Page Speed Optimization, WordPress SEO, Android Tutorials, Android Applications and Much More. Within the last 6 months Softstribe hit 13000+ subscribers and still counting.

Hire me & my team for your on going projects:

💰 $500K revenue generated for clients
🚀 700 Jobs Done
💚 100% Client Recommendation
🎖️ Over 10+ years of Software Development Experience
✅ A strong academic background

💬 “Muhammad was excellent… Very professional and felt trustworthy immediately. He stated that he could start on the project ASAP and followed through with his word, even staying up late (due to the time zone differences). Definitely will reach out to him with any of our WordPress issues.” ~ Upwork client.

Meet our team

Muhammad Dilawar
Muhammad Mairaj
Abdul Hafeez
Chief Editor
Muhammad Mohsin
content strategist
Years of Experience
Expert partners
Happy customers
Active projects

Worked with agencies