How to enable Google Male Voice feature in Android

Previously, we had Google female voice when we try to look for any location inside Google maps. But, today I came across new Android feature for male voice. If you enable Google male voice feature in Android, you will be able to hear male voice on GPS (GPS Android apps).

Recently, Google assistant came out with the new update that provides its users to enable Google male voice in Android. So, if you have been using female voice as your Google assistant on your Android. Google is really improving itself to provide high quality features to its users and today it has given you Google Assistant as male voice in recent updates.

I’m not being rude, but seriously, if you don’t really live the feminine voice then you might wanna try this new Google male voice feature or easily switch between two voices in the Assistant Settings. So, to enable Google male voice as your Google assistant read the rest of the article.

Google Male Voice (Google Assistant)

So, to enable Google Male Voice on your Google Assistant follow the steps below:

  • Launch Google Assistant app

  • From the top right corner of the screen go to Settings
  • Go to preferences and then Assistant Voice
  • Just tap to toggle the drop down menu for voice selection: female or male

You might wanna know the limitations for the Google Assistant voice changer because when you choose English as your language (stick to it). However, if you don’t have Google Assistant on your Android smartphone then install Duo Android app.

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