
Top 5 Revenue Sharing Sites to Get Google AdSense APPROVED

The Google AdSense is one of the biggest source to make money online by displaying ads on your blogs/websites. Out there are several free blogging platforms to start free blogs online without paying a couple of dollars. There had been a couple of issues to get Google AdSense account completely approved.

It’s being a hard task for many bloggers especially from Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh. So, I’m going to show you different ways about getting your Google AdSense account approved. One of the great way to get it approve is that either we should use different revenue sharing websites which helps us to get AdSense  account approved or simply start a blog and work legimately.

Google AdSense

Revenue sharing websites means using these websites you will have a good chance to work on external websites which will let you apply for Google AdSense with a revenue share of 25 % – 30% between AdSense and the external websites upon your work…

Here comes a list of 5 sites that give you the chance to work freely but earn worthy.

1. Flixya

flixyaAt first Flixya.com is a social networking site where you share videos, photos, articles and in the back Flixya let’s you add Google AdSense ads on your profile there on Flixya account. From where you can get paid by 100 percent revenue with Google AdSense.

Create a Free Account Today on Flixya and Start making money by displaying ads on your profile on Flixya.

2. HubPages

HubPages is a user granted content sharing website where users can publish their blogs. On creating an account the members of the community will be given an account associated with a sub-domain called yourname.hubpages.com. You can publish blogs, share videos and photos on your profile.

Related  Top 10 WordPress Plugins to Make your Blog Mobile Responsive

Create a Free Account on HubPages

3. Bukisa

bukisaBukisa offers you to share you articles around the web and get paid by displaying ads on your own written content. You can even share your photos, videos and more using Bukisa…

4. WebAnswers

WebAnswers a website where people resolve their problems for free by getting quality and strong answers. The WebAnswers community offers you to answer the community members and if any of your answers was marked as the best answer on that page WebAnswers will let’s you add your AdSense ads to make money.

Sign Up Today with WebAnswers

5. Xomba

xombaMake money by sharing interesting stories, ideas, thoughts that you owned on your Xomba account. Xomba will let you apply for AdSense when your xomba account will be able to reach policies…

Create Free Xomba Account


  1. Hi, This article looks great. I have also done research on adsense revenue sharing website and have made a list of top 10 websites to earn by adsense revenue sharing.

  2. it’s nice site for earn money. if you know about blog writing you can easily earn money from this site. my writing is not good so i am trying to improve myself and earn from this site.

  3. I had problems with my account to get approved by AdSense because I’m from India so thanks for this article.
    I found it very useful to work on mentioned sites for free and earn some money.
    Flixya for now is giving me best results.

  4. Google Adsense is the easiest way of earning online. You just need to have a blog or your own url and you also need to be active if you want to earn a handsome amount. All you have to do is to create your own specific blog, fill it with your true cotents and let google see your blog. If they approve, you will start earning. Don’t copy paste contents from any other websites.

  5. First of all I must say thanks to @Muhammad Haroon for this wonderful article. I’m really happy that you wrote and publish this article for us. I’m newbie to Google AdSense advertisement program I was looking to get Google AdSense without having a website and I found 5 best sites that allows me Google AdSense ads for my content and images.

    I love the concept of revenue sharing sites. Wish you best of luck for future informative articles.

    1. Hi @Joseph, I’m happy that you liked the article but the way you can do your best and create unique content, images to publish on these 5 revenue sharing sites to get Google AdSense and earn money so easily. Thank you for your opinions.

  6. You should probably consider removing WebAnswers from your recommended list. There are too many problems to list in this brief answer. The site is near death. Most of the site has been deindexed by Google, which means customers cannot find the content. Close to 99% of all former members have left the site. The site has been down and unreachable for most of September. It may or may not come back online but recent earnings are next to nothing. I made good money in the past, but I can no longer recommend using this site to anyone. It is no longer worth the time or effort.

  7. The reason new members are having trouble linking their Adsense accounts to WebAnswers is not because they are overloaded but rather it is because the site is near death with a lot of problems.
    The activity on the site is at a near standstill in comparison to their own past. Daily new member signups is part of the indication of site health. This is based on exact counts of new member signups for the life of the site:
    Total of all accounts added to site from 11/17/07 to present: 1,035,766 (2879 days)
    (Pre 2012: 566) Falling average number of new accounts opened each day for life of site: 360
    Daily Avgs: ’07-55; ’08-142; ’09-626; ’10-1044; ’11-516; ’12-260; ’13-119; ’14-95; ’15-37
    The site has been tumbling by an overall average of 50% of their traffic each year since 2010. It is near the end of the road. Just look at those changes in the daily averages each year.
    An estimated 1 out of every 20564 members are still watching. (50+/-?) If That. Why would anyone new want to join?

    1. Well said @Dave, your precious reply is appreciated. Thanks for stopping by but we have a question:

      How do you know the number of signups? Can you please share it with us because it is the question that comes in everyone’s mind that you are correct and don’t want to harm the site “WebAnswers” by putting negative review?

      Kind regards,
      Muhammad Haroon

  8. Not a surprising question, since this data is not published anywhere. However, these are not guesses. These are specific counts of the new member accounts opened and researched for the life of the site.

    I actually began this research on Aug 20, 2015. Someone asked a question on the site about the noticeable dwindling number of new accounts and I went on a search to find the answer. I have continued that site audit each day since to record very precise details.

    If you are able to get back on the site to look (it is down yet again at the moment), you can look at any member’s profile page and see a specific account number at the end of the URL. I studied those account numbers and identified the first and last account opened each year – the last one on Dec 31 and the first one the following Jan 1. The sequence from one to the next confirmed those first and last account numbers per year.

    Once I had those exact numbers, I used simple math to count the number of accounts opened each year, and then divided that total to find the average number of accounts opened each day of the year.

    The site has been mostly down since September 2 and has been averaging less than a dozen new accounts since. There was actually one new account so far today during the few hours the site was up and running this morning.

    I have also documented the member activity to find far less than the estimated 50 still watching mentioned above, but the 50 was used in the calculations compared to the total number of members to err with caution. I could have missed a few, but not many.

    I have a spreadsheet available with the complete details if anyone wants to study the completed research.

  9. I don’t want to flood your site with redundant content. I have answered this latest question twice, but those answers do not seem to stay put when I have come back to see if that answered your question or if you want more.

    If the previous answers somehow got lost in the connection, the brief answer is that I studied the account numbers to identify the first and last account created each year and calculated the annual and daily amounts from those sources.

    Anyone can do the same by studying the account numbers assigned to each member.

    1. Great… You a ROCKING tech guy @Dave. Thanks for explaining it here. Your answers are pretty amazing and convincing so far and I hope others will find it very appreciative as I do.

      Kind regards,
      Muhammad Haroon

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