4 Benefits Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

What’s SEO?

Normally SEO is an abbreviation of Search Engine Optimization, SEO is the process of improving the visibility of a website/blog in the search engines. It is the most common but essential step behind any successful website/blog. A friendly SEO drives tons of traffic. There are a lot reasons why the SEO is important for your website/blog.

benefits of SEO

Here, I’ve written 4 benefits of SEO. If a website is SEO friendly it can drive endless traffic but if a website doesn’t have Optimized SEO, such a website or blog can loss a great number of visitors, readers, and a lot of other things.

4 Benefits Why SEO is Important

1. Gain of Traffic

The Most important work of Search Engine Optimization is to improve the visibility of a website or blog in the various search engines. When a website or blog becomes fully SEO optimized, it gains tons of traffic from search engines. And no doubt in it that behind a successful sites there is always SEO optimized.

2. Increase in Readership

When the SEO of a website or blog becomes fully optimized, it gains its visibility in major search engines like Google, Yahoo! and Bing. When SEO works, there would be a lot of readers on your website.

Suppose someone searched for Make Money Online and a post related to this topic is posted on your blog/website and your website is SEO optimized then your website will be there in the results of Search and in this way your website/blog readers will increase.

But if your website/blog’s SEO is not optimized and a post related to the topic of Making Money Online is posted, no result with your website/blog will be there in the search engines, which is the loss of a lot of readers. That’s it. 🙁

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3. More Comments!

When Readers of your website/blog increases, and daily readers read your website/blog’s posts. if they would find something interesting in your posts they would surely post comments. The more you have readers and the comments on your posts will  increase.

But when your website or blog’s SEO is not OK, and you post articles having quality content. The Efforts made on articles making them look well-written would not be useful, and all your efforts will not be beneficial.

4. PR needs SEO

Page Rank (PR) of a blog increases only when the SEO of the blog becomes optimized, and also it is calculated, determined by the #__ of inbound links the webpage earned (that’s only the thing that let the Google see, if the pages are useful). Actually the Google Page Rank Update occurs every 3 or 4 months. PR is also very important for a website/blog, PR increases when readership, posts increases (with quality) and the SEO is completely optimized. We can say that PR gets your website result in top of the search results.

It’s a guest post by Anonymous

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