Best Way to Drive a Blog Traffic and Readership – Guest Blogging (Infographics)
What is Guest Blogging or Guest Posting?
Guest Blogging can easily be defined as “Posting a Blog Post to the blog, you don’t own, or posting a post on a website as a Guest and in other words the post that is not written by the Admin“. That’s Quite simple, and immensely easy to do, just some efforts should be made to make it even easier. This is one of the most common and most useful techniques of SEO and to get more traffic and it also increases readership. This is very advantageous! Blog readers always want fresh, unique content and the content what they want. You should never make them anger, eventually the audience is among the top most essential things for a blog. Guest Blogging also benefits the Admin of the blog, where the Guest Blogging takes place, by this Admin can increase posts on his blog. And in this way the Guest Blogging makes itself useful for both the Guest Bloggers as well as the Admins. To Blog as a Guest you just need to find a popular blog, that relates to your blog’s niche, have to find its Write for us page or something like become an author page. After opening their page, you should see some instructions to post a Guest Post on their blog. Follow that instructions carefully, and if nothing found like I said, contact the site owner through contact page and ask him to let you post on his site Simple!
Guest Blogging – an Infographics

Few Main Benefits of Guest Blogging
1. Dofollow Backlinks
Mostly the Admins who have enabled the Guest Blogging on their blogs, gives many benefits to the Guest Bloggers one of them highlighted advantage is the provision of Permanent Dofollow Backlinks. Dofollow links are used to inform the search engines to crawl/follow these Links. These Links are added in the About Author Box that lies beneath the Guest Post. And this increases the Search Engine Ranking as well. Many People says that the PageRank (PR) rises with the increase in Backlink, but that’s not True! The PageRank of a Web Page not increases with the increase in Backlinks, but increases with the increase in High Quality Backlinks. The Backlinks gained from these sites belong to higher ranking and very popular sites. These Links are really essential for PageRank.
2. Growth in Traffic etc
Suppose a blog has 200 readers, who have subscribed to its feeds and receives an email whenever a post is published on the blog, so its a popular and lovely blog allowing Guest Posts thus When a Guest Post is published, on this site your blog post you written will be mailed to 200 readers with your blog’s Dofollow Link! Oh! that’s cool. Almost 150 out of 200 readers will open your site! and thus you gain more traffic and readers through that Dofollow Link, moreover your blog will have a chance to be subscribed, but that could only be when your post will be recommended. Therefore The Guest Posting lets you have a chance to increase the traffic, subscribers and as well as Readers. It’s indeed a useful technique.
3. Opportunity to Earn Name
Publishing posts on Popular Blogs like as a Guest, lets you increase your blog’s popularity and your name gains a Recognition! but that’s possible only when you write unique, write fresh, write what the readers want. People will come to know you! will want to know more about you and your blog! Therefore the Guest Posting also adds an Extra Value to your name. Your full name is written just beneath the post, you written with some introduction of yourself! Earning a Name is now become easy only through Guest Blogging.
Quick Tip: Always Write What you Love! 😀