Basic SEO Mistakes You Must Avoid (Dos and Don’ts)

You a blogger? Oh! that’s great because blogging is getting more and more common nowadays and if you are blogging then you are polishing your writing skills, gaining blogging experience and if you read this article then this will be your third thing you will ever find interesting “I call it SEO“. If you are blogging on your blog then you must learn how to optimize your WordPress blog for search engines and you must have to enable SEO friendly URLs for your blog posts. You can also find best 13 SEO facts that will help you rank higher on search engines only if you follow.

But in this article, I will cover all the mistakes that beginner bloggers do and they must avoid those mistakes if they want to get good results from search engines. Basically, it is long guide about what to do and what to avoid about SEO (WE CALL IT DOs and DON’Ts). There are some variety of WordPress SEO plugins that can be used to improve a WordPress blog SEO without any doubt. Below I’ll show you the basic SEO mistakes that must be avoided (for only SEO beginners).

Basic SEO Mistakes You Must Avoid #Dos

Article title, URL, & Meta Description

Your article title, url and meta description is most important for search engine robots. Using a proper article title, url and description can bring your blog massive traffic from search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. Because all search engine robots read article title and meta description first to find your keywords (you wrote about) and at the end they read the URL of your article whether the keywords are available in the parent domain name like or it is a kind of post such as These combined all together to show up the results on Google.

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Alt & Title Attribute in Images

Embed informative images in the middle of your content and don’t forget to add the alt and title attribute in your blog posts images, which is the most important part that search engine bots read to determine what the  image is about. As search engines are not humans, they can’t see the image you embed but of course they can read the part from your image’s HTML section about the alt and title attribute.

Use the alt and title attribute from HTML section like this:

<img src"" alt="short image desc" title="title of the image" />

Recommeded Reading: Top 3 WordPress Plugins to Improve Image SEO Automatically

What kind of Keywords you should Target

You should target only the keywords that contains 3 – 5 words like basic SEO mistakes. Always try to target low competition keywords because those are easy to target and never target the ones which contains only 1 – 2 words which consume time and efforts.

Google AdWords  Keyword Planner

Basic SEO Mistakes You Must Avoid #Don’ts

Don’t Keyword Stuff

Keyword stuffing is the most common reasons behind a website who gets penalized by Google. Keyword stuffing taken as an unethical SEO technique and you must take care of your keywords that needs to be embed in the article, also don’t keyword stuff in your articles just use your keywords in your article a couple of times because this will help search engines to understand what type of content you are offering and whenever a search query made on search engines with your keyword then the search robots will take your website result to show the audience.

Don’t buy Backlinks

Many people have already asked this question to me a couple of months ago but I was totally unable to answer them because I had never tried that at that time. But now, I’m able to answer and I want to answer them 🙂

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Here goes the answer → Buying backlinks for your blog is totally against of Google TOS but many people do this for the sake of massive traffic from search engine especially to cheat Google search robots for a specific keyword.

What I say about buying backlinks is “Get off from Google search“. Because I have done this on one of my project that was totally terrible experience to me yet. After that I never thought about buying backlinks.

Never Buy Backlinks

Here is the story of mine about buying backlinks:

I hired someone of Fiverr who demands to provide 10,000 web 2.0 backlinks for any keyword you want to target. In the start, I had 25+ natural dofollow backlinks and my project was going like awesome and I predict and pretend to myself that if 25+ backlinks can provide me such a great BOOM then what about 10,000 AH!

I was totally unable to describe what I was feeling at that time. So, I decided to hire that person on Fiverr and purchase his gig after 2 days he gave me complete report of the backlinks that he created for my site and I gave him 5 stars positive rating then after about 1 and a half week, my site was not listed on Google Oh NOOO OMG!.

I was totally sad about that bad news and I had forgotten that I had bought backlinks for my site. Accidentally I realize that I had ordered someone to provide me 10,000 backlinks? I thought that does this happen due to that massive backlinks action, I fell into research about why the hell that happen to my site. At last I found these great facts about:

Some Facts:

Facts I researched why the hell my site legged behind in search engine as compared to its initial position.

  1. I get 10,221 backlinks from that guy (At the beginning I was so happy)
  2. Then? A week later, my site fell down to the end of search engine results, I even didn’t find my site between 100 pages whereas I was on second Google page initially before buying links.
  3. So, Why did those 10,221 backlinks did not work for me whereas 25+ backlinks brought me on second page of Google. What’s the difference?
  4. It was about domain authority when I checked I was totally shocked. All the links were pointing to domains who have only 1 – 5 authority. That was so sad news for my site reputation
  5. How did I restore my site back to 2 Google page? How I removed the spam backlinks? Don’t get panic I just used Google Disavow Tool to remove the spam backlinks. It is that simple.
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So, in my opinion guest posting is better than spam backlinks.

Don’t Add Images Instead of Text Content

Always try to write unique content in your articles and never add content images in your articles instead of text content, this could be a lot more terrible because search engine robots can’t see the image but they can read the text by extracting it from the HTML tags. However, if you want to use images instead of text content then you can do this by using alt tag as I already described above. Want to know how search work? And how to find when it crawls your site?


If you know the above things then you are out of SEO’s beginner zone. However, comment below if you have any suggestions regarding the article.


  1. Hello,

    Well, Greatly described points about SEO mistakes, we make or have made in our past.

    When it started my career in blogging, the only thing I know, was writing article and building links, but majority of my articles were full of keywords and the links I was building was just spam links with optimized anchor texts.

    Also, I was not aware of internal links important, but with time everything has improved and these days, I rarely make any SEO mistake.

    But, still a huge number of newbies are making these mistakes and I sadly say, that they are wasting their valuable time.

    So, considering this, a brilliant post written, it will help many out there, searching for this.

    Keep up the good work.


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