10+ Best Social Followers Counter Plugins for WordPress
In this article, we have found the best social followers counter plugins for WordPress and I hope you will like these WordPress plugins if you are looking for them. By the way, social profiles followers counter is a widget that will be placed in the sidebars, footer area to display the social followers (of Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc) in numbers. Before I begin to show you the list of these best social followers counter plugins that are built especially for WordPress let me just tell you that I’ve also written an article about the same topic that How to Add Social Media Followers Counter in WordPress.
Simple Counters
Simple Counters is a WordPress plugin which counts your social profiles (Facebook and Twitter) followers and displays them within your WordPress blog. Well, it adds simple counters badge (Facebook friends or fans and Twitter followers) to your WP blog.
Social Count Plus
The Social Count Plus WordPress plugin performs counting Twitter followers, Facebook fans, YouTube subscribers, Google Plus page followers, posts and comments. By the way, you can also view this information via a widget (with account options models icons) or shortcodes (to be used in posts and pages) or by functions in PHP.

Social Counters
Social Counters plugin will allow to place social sharing links with counters (if available) to the most popular social networks just within a widget in the sidebars or in footer: Menéame,Twitter,Facebook, etc.
Social Counter Widget
Social Counter widget will display your Twitter followers, RSS subscribers, and Facebook fans in one nice looking box (widget).

Social Subscribers Counter
Social Subscribers Counter is a plugin which display your Twitter followers, Facebook fans, and FeedBurner subscribers just within a simple WordPress widget which will be accessible through the Appearance → Widgets. You only need to fill three simple fields which will seek you the information regarding your social media followers.
Total Social Counter
Installing and activating the simple Total Social Counter plugin in your blog will add a widget that will combine total number of your RSS readers, Twitter followers, and Facebook fans, to give an estimate of your social popularity. TipTip jQuery plugin is used to show nice looking tool-tips with count for every particular social network.

Socials Bytes WordPress Plugin
Socials bytes WP plugin counts your social networks followers inside your WordPress blog in simple widget. You can also display the widget in your entire WP site by using simple shortcode. A shortcode settings page is available to setup which social profiles do you want to display the followers count of. And a built-in shortcode button is added in the post editor. This plugin comes with 6 beautiful themes optimize for any size of widget area and any background color. You can display the social followers count of 12 social networks.

Arqam – Retina Responsive WP Social Counter Plugin
Arqam Plugin grabs the latest counts of your Fans/Followers etc from your favorite social networks and then displays them on your blog. It’s the perfect solution to encourage more users to join your network.

WordPress Social Counters & Ranking
Show your social counts, prove yourself, attract people, strengthen your network, promote your business. It has dramatically helped us improving our social stats. Get Word Press Social Counter And Ranking Plugin and be ready to face the truth.

Total Users Pro – WordPress Users Counter

My Social Counter for WordPress
My Social Counter is a WordPress plugin (Widget) for your blog where you show social accountants best known social networks, you can add 1 or more networks that your blog is communicating with people, and you can see the counter of followers, subscribers. etc according to social network show.

ZoomSocialCount – Social Networks Counter for WordPress
ZoomSocial – WordPress Social Count Plugin is a cool social addition to your WordPress blog that enables counters of your favorite social networks to appear on the screen.

Nice List!!!
I wrote a useful PHP script & WordPress Widget too. You can check it out: http://demo.silasolatayo.com/social-buff/
Thanks for the list. But the social counter you’ve listed mostly premium plugin. Can you suggest the best free version? Thanks.
FYI, I’m trying Social Count Plus and work wells.
I found very good review from your site. I were looking for half an hour for this type of article. Finally found an appropriate one here. I have a suggestion that if you mention screen shot of each counter widget it would be a nice move.
Visitors can easily find the counter as good or bad without visiting the desired page.
I found you have missed a couple..
is there any other plugin that would have the social counter widget, with a click to like instead of visiting the page per say
Very good list …. social byte is looking fresh and new
Just what I needed, cheers mate 🙂
That’s great …
wow great list of plugins
Is there any plugin like these for Blogger? Thanks!
NO, maybe you should try search over google about Social Follower counter BLOGGER widget.