Top 5 Best Scientific Calculator Android Apps
We know that calculator help us to calculate mathematical terms and give us the final desirable result. But what about scientific calculator? A scientific calculator is a type of electronic calculator, usually but not always handheld, designed to calculate problems in science, engineering, and mathematics. Where people use to install Android apps to solve problems in their Android device just like that the scientific calculator help us to solve the problems in science, engineering, and mathematics. So, I thought that you maybe searching around the web about the Android scientific calculator, scientific calculator Android apps, and if you are here for the same reason then you found the right webpage where you can find top 5 best scientific calculator Android apps that will help you in your engineering, science and math class to solve problems. Yeah, I mean it.
Best Scientific Calculator Android Apps
RealCalc Scientific Calculator
RealCalc Scientific Calculator is a fully featured scientific calculator which looks and operates like the real thing. Looking for fractions? Degrees/minutes/seconds? Landscape mode? Then you should read this application? Because it can do more better things for you to solve mathematical problems, traditional algebraic or RPN operation, result history, unit conversions, percentages, physical constants table, 10 memories, binary, octal, and hexadecimal (can be enabled in Settings), and more. RealCalc Scientific Calculator Android app also includes trig functions in degrees, radians or grads, scientific, engineering and fixed-point display modes, configurable digit grouping and decimal point, and everything that you need in your maths problems.
Scientific Calculator
Scientific calculator is an Android app that have 11 computing modes in one single application + a handy scientific reference section. Here are the modes that are included in this Android app to function correctly in Android device.
- Basic,
- Scientific,
- 64-bit Programmer Mode (Hex, Oct, Bin and Dec),
- Graphing,
- Matrices,
- Complex Numbers (cartesian, polar, using Euler’s identity),
- Quick Formulas,
- Quick Converter,
- Time Calculator,
- Equation Solver,
- Calculus (Derivative, Definite Integral & Taylor Series) – requires Android version 2.3 or higher
Kindly, watch this video to know more about this scientific calculator Android app:
Calculator ++
Calculator++ helps you to do basic and advanced calculations on your Android device to help you in every possible way to resolve mathematical problems within seconds. You can check angle units and numeral bases: integration, trigonometric functions and complex number computation work only for RAD. However, for development reasons, this application contains some ads (but not malicious ads). If you wanna remove the advertisement from the application interface then you should purchase special option from application settings. Internet access permission is needed only for showing the ads. ADS ARE ONLY SHOWN ON THE SECONDARY SCREENS! To watch video click here.
AC Scientific Calculator
AC scientific calculator works like awesome and gives you the final accurate results for any question you ask from it on your Android device. Before that this application was known as calcAndroid but now it have redesigned + modernize with great scientific calculator functions that students of engineering, physics departments need.

Panecal Scientific Calculator
The Panecal is an editable expressions scientific calculator. The Panecal can indicate expressions on a multi-line display, allowing you to prevent input mistakes. In addition, moving the cursor on the display can easily modify expressions. Below are a couple of great features that Panecal Scientific Calculator Android app gives.
- Re-editable and re-callable expressions
- Result and expressions history
- Decimal, Binary, octal, and hexadecimal
- Base conversions
- Main memory and 6 variable memories
- Percentages
- Arithmetic, trigonometric, inverse trigonometric, exponential, logarithmic function, power, power root function, factorial, and absolution.
- DEG, RAD, GRAD modes.
- Floating-point, Fixed-point, Scientific and Engineering display modes.
- Configurable decimal separator and grouping separator
- Configurable number of bits for base conversions
- BS key, DEL key, INS key.
- Landscape mode
- Key input confirmation by vibration and orange colors
Greeting From Nepal!
Thanks For This Post. I lost my Calculator I really need of it. The First one RealCalc Scientific Calculator, Looks better.
Have a Nice Day and Thanks you again.
The problem with a lot of these calculators is that they all display text exponents, square roots and the like, meaning you can’t enter real exponents or fractions. My app Awesum Calculator solves this by supporting native input. You should check it out. It also has all the scientific functions you need.
Awesum Scientific Calculator