3 Best WordPress Job Board Plugins
As we can make almost every kind of website with the help of WordPress CMS today. No doubt, that WordPress have made things so easy for individuals out there who wish to build website within minutes. So, people make different kind of website with WordPress today and if you are looking to build a Job Board right in your WordPress installation then you can do it also. In fact, in this article I’m going to list down 3 Best WordPress Job Board Plugins.
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Best WordPress Job Board Plugins
WordPress Jobbin
WordPress Jobbin is WordPress plugin that is completely rewritten using the Roo framework. It allows you to use shortcodes, infinite categories and subcategories, types and sub-types, and everything custom post types and taxonomies provide. Using this simple plugin you can offer job listings on your WordPress based website. Your users can add jobs or browse jobs apply via the suggested method. The administrator can approve/deny any job and controls publishing status. An RSS link is made available on the jobs page which will help your users to subscribe with specific job.
WP Jobboard Pro WordPress Plugin
WP Jobboard Pro WordPress plugin can be used for job listing, and collect job applications through your WordPress site from Jobseeker and Job Employers. Jobseekers will be able to apply for any job through apply form, which is handled by ajax. Server is supported by PHP and MySQL.  Client’s browser must support JavaScript to take advantage of the great user experience.
WP Job Hunter
WP Job Hunter WordPress plugin can make everything automatically, you need to register to indeed.com and/or careerjet.com save your affiliate id in the plugin and it will make the hard work instead of you. Just relax and earn money with Job Affiliates. These websites pay you when somebody click on any job link on your website. (pay-per-click method). This plugin helps you to use Indeed.com and CareerJet Affiliate system without any programming skills. The easiest way to make money with WordPress Affiliate website.