How to increase Facebook Post Likes

People are making money nowadays using of the biggest social media platform i.e., Facebook. Teens are so addicted with Facebook in this age of technology because Facebook helps them to stay in touch. Where Facebook is benefiting its users to stay in touch but it is also killing their time. Facebook is known as time killing machine, because its addictive news feed.

Previously, I’ve posted ‘How to Get Free 100k Facebook Page Likes‘, if you are interested to increase your fanpage likes then read the article. However, this article is going to help you how to increase Facebook post likes. You can now increase your Facebook profile picture likes, status likes, check-ins, and so on. What are you waiting for? Read the rest of the article and start increasing your Facebook post likes today and show-off in front of your friends.

How to increase Facebook Post Likes

You can now increase Facebook post likes using social liker, machine liker and basic liker Android apps. Follow the steps below:

Steps to increase Facebook post likes

  • Login success and click login to access social liker app features

  • Now, you have three options to choose from i.e., Status, Pictures and URL

  • Choose URL


  • Copy your status URL and paste in the input field just like above
Related  Photo Zoom for Facebook Google Chrome Extension

  • Click start button after pasting your status URL, you get 30 likes congrats.

That’s how people are increasing their status likes on Facebook.

Before and After Results


    1. Those are not fake likes bro, the idea is, you login to their app and they have your credentials now. They use your account to like other’s status and your status is liked too in return. 🙂

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