What’s the new Android version gonna be after Oreo 8.0

Android is one of the great mobile operating system right now. iOS is not that popular than Android not even Blackberry. Microsoft sold Nokia because of big failure, Windows was not very much successful in Nokia phones that comes to nothing and Microsoft sold Nokia. Later, Nokia started adopting Android OS in its smartphones.

I was searching history of Android operating systems and I had this feeling ‘What’s the new Android version gonna be after Oreo 8.0’? This made me thinking about the new Android version and what it’s gonna be?

What’s the new Android version gonna be after Oreo 8.0

Google is naming Android OS version with most popular deserts’ names around the world. If you notice, all started from Donut 1.6 to Oreo 8.0.

If you notice, the names of Android versions are held with the version alphabetically.

For example:

All started with the alphabetical order from D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N and finally O (Oreo). This brings to my attention that the new version of Android is going to be with the alphabetic order P.

I’m thinking that, what Android P be called?

What about Android 9.0 Peanut Butter Cookie?

What Android ‘P’ be called?

Following are the delicious deserts’ names that I think Google will give to its new version Android P.

  • Android 9.0 Pineapple
  • Android 9.0 Petit Four
  • Android 9.0 Pound Cake
  • Android 9.0 Pastille
  • Android 9.0 Popsicle
  • Android 9.0 Pancake
  • Android 9.0 Puff Pastry
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Comment download below if you have any good suggestions about next new version of Android. What do you think about what, Android P will be called.


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