30+ Premium Full Third-Party Applications for Android
Android is one of the best operating system which is being used world-wide more than 76% in touchscreen smartphones and tablet PCs. And today, I’m have shared 30+ Premium Full Third-Party Applications for Android for Android users. These applications includes news apps, great widgets, radio apps, flickr gallery and more interesting things.
I thought that you will like these applications and try to share this beautiful collection of Premium Full Third-Party Applications for Android with your friends.
Premium Full Third-Party Applications for Android
Android Live Radio
Android Live Radio is a native Android live streaming app. It’s a simple solution for creating Android app for your online radio stream in no time. Just add your station name, stream url and station image; then build with Eclipse & submit to Google Play store.
The Restaurant App
Restaurant App is a mobile reservation system that is used for managing reservation and restaurant menu. Admin can manage reservation, restaurant menu and other configurations such as tax and currency code from admin panel on the web and users will be able to see the menu from mobile app and make a reservation.
Recipes App
Recipes App is an application under Android platform which can be used to create application about food recipes. If you are a chef or have hobby in cooking then this app is perfect for you.
City Guide Android Application
If you are planning about to develop Android apps for your City which will acting as a guide for your city. Then , this application is for you. Using this application user will be able to find the restaurant ,hotels, bank etc list of this city.
News App
News App is Native Android Application that is easy to to configure to display your blog news, images and youtube videos. It also can monetize your blog with build in AdMob Ads.
Apartment Real Estate Android Full App Source Code
Android Apartment Real Estate App written in Java, it is easily understandable by most developers and non-programmers.
Full Android App Webview Template
Smartphones have taken the world by storm and it seems that Android-based ones are ever popular. In fact, if you look at current app statistics, you’ll see that the Android app market is the fastest growing sector.
PhotoCam for Android
A full-fledge Photo Camera app with everything for your needs. This application is complete and ready to go so all you need to do is change the icon, change the title and the usual identifier settings and your set to go and upload.
Flickr Gallery – Photographer Portfolio App
Flickr Gallery is a portfolio app for a Photographer or a Designer. All you have to do is to upload your photos into Flickr.com. Then add your Flickr Username into the source code, compile it with Eclipse and submit it to Google Play.
Do Something App : a Location Map Application
Do Something App is a Location MapView using WebServer like Apache. This is a application using Google Maps Api to looking all Map.
Android Nearest Restaurant Finder App
The Android Nearest Restaurant Finder App is an app to display nearest restaurants list and also details like address, position with map-view, reviews and rate about that restaurant etc that comes with awesome UI design.
Company Profile Android App Template
iCompany Profile App Template is a native (java) template for Android application to demonstrate your company profile, service, contact and more.
Weather App for Android
Weather App for Android is native Android application that shows the weather forecast for today and the next three days using Open Weather Map API.
Delivery Manager
Delivery manager is a mobile market application that allow you to create a online market for phones, with this application you can manage your categories of products and products.
Flower Collection App with Admod and Social Share
Flower Collection App is a application under Android platform 2.1. This application is using for Sqlite Database for save all of local content of data Flower Collection.
Nearest Car Solution Finder
The Android Nearest Car Solution Finder App is an app to display nearest Car Problem solver stuff list and also details like address, position with mapview, reviews and rate about that car dealer, gas station, wash house, rental etc that comes with awesome Metro style UI design.
Premium Company Profle App Template
Premium Company Profile App Template is a native template application using android application for promote your company profile, product, service, contact and more.
Customizable Locker Screen
This locker it is a workaround solution of replacing the android standard pattern locker without changing the build.
City Guide Android App
City Guide provides updated and in-depth City information round the clock on your Android Mobile Phone.
WordPress To Android App
WordPress To Android App is native Android application that shows the latest RSS feed from the WordPress blog by category. Code of app is noob friendly so everybody can easily create their own native app in 5 minutes.
Love Test with AdMob
Code source for android app by using a 1132 years old algorithm. Find your true Love with Love Tester and Share your result on Socila Network.
WebView for Mobile Websites and Mobile Web Apps
Zulucoding Android WebView, provides the best solution for Mobile websites and web mobile APPS to look exactly like a native android APP.
Android Horoscopy: A Fun App That Can be Pro!
Android Music Player
Shake Player
Shake Player is an application under Android 2.2 platform. This application can be used to created a simple media player.
Native Android App for WordPress Site
Develop an Native Android App for existing WordPress based Website. The Android App is Tablet friendly and rapidly developed using by just adding existing RSS feed.
Android Map CMS
Android Map CMS is Admin panel made special for editing markers on your Android app.
The Hotel
Android Game Ghost Hunters
Christmas Ringtones
Christmas Ringtones and Soundboard for your Android phone.
Task Cleaner Android App
Music Store App using Gallery View with DOM Parser
Music Store App is a template application under Android platform 2.1 but you can get all contains of this code.
Android App for Mobile Website
Droid Customize SMS Manager
DroidSMSManager is a customize SMS Manager android application. Using this application any mobile user can search SMS from SMS manager, Sent SMS in future using set time, Able to change the SMS Manager background and User can create level to store SMS in different level.
Android RSS Reader
Read all your favorite Websites, Blogs, News Sites, Videos and more all in one place. Easily enter and manage RSS Feeds and read all your articles, news, Videos or posts at one place.