How to Add Fancy Author Box in WordPress with Social Networks

Author box in WordPress plays main role pointing to the real author of a specified article and in this article I’m going to show you that how to add a fancy author box in WordPress with social networks. Well, I’m really excited to tell you guys about this really awesome WordPress plugin that adds a simple yet tabs +social networks support author box right at the bottom of each article in your WordPress blog.

So, Fancier Author Box by ThematoSoup is what I’m talking about… This WordPress plugin gives identity to your single or multi-author WordPress blog with Fancier Author Box . And I hope this is the only author box plugin You’ll Ever Need.

Fancier Author Box by ThematoSoup WordPress Plugin
Fancier Author Box by ThematoSoup

Using this plugin, you can make every single post stand out and attract your readers’ eyes. Stay in connect with your audience on all levels and make sure people always read your author’s bio and engage you on social networks.

You can even verify your Google Authorship markup with this plugin. Here are the main social networks involved Twitter, Facebook, Google+ & automatic Google Authorship verification (rel=author), LinkedIn. Additionally, you can describe more about yourself such as Job title (position), Company, Company URL…

Display Settings

Allow you to choose where Fancier Author Box appears on your website.

  • Show in posts (above, below, both, none)
  • Show in pages (above, below, both, none)
  • Show in custom post types (above, bellow, both, none)
  • Bio – This is a standard author bio description. It uses your Gravatar image and allows you to put social profile icons
  • Latest Posts – Shows number of latest posts you specify and dates
Related  How to Add Twitter Trends Widget in WordPress

Color Settings

Allow you to change colors of just about any author box element. These elements include:

  • Inactive Tab
  • Inactive Tab Border
  • Inactive Tab Background
  • Active Tab
  • Active Tab Border
  • Active Tab Background
  • Tab Content
  • Tab Content Border
  • Tab Content Background

Most recent error with this plugin is: (FAB js conflict with W3 Total Cache)

FAB js conflict with W3 Total Cache


Hello I tested the plugin with W3tc disabled and it works fine.
But with W3tc enabled I noticed that tabbed content on a critical page on my site breaks.
I suspect that this relates to js. I’m not a js savvy guy but I noticed that ts-fab.min.js is called on page load.
After I excluded this file from w3tc minification the page looks fine.

Do you have any suggestions about how I can make it work without ts-fab.min.js exclusion?

Here is the page I’m talking about

Answered by Dragan Nikolic:

Hi I’ve checked our plugin, but there’s nothing that we can do on our end. I’ve searched for W3 Total Cache minify issues and I’ve seen a lot of people reporting them for various themes and plugins.

I suggest you follow this guide on how to configure minify manually.

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