8 Best Premium Audio Player WordPress Plugins to Download


Today, in this article I’m going to show you guys a best list of audio player WordPress plugins that we can use in our WordPress blogs to engage our blog visitors by playing interesting songs for our Audience. So, I think it’s not only the best way to engage with our blog audience but also one of the great thing that bloggers should add in their blogs for more visitors and to decrease bounce rate… So, here is the 10 Best Premium Audio Player WordPress Plugins to Download.

Hope you will enjoy and share this list occurs your favourite social media networks.

8 Best Premium Audio Player WordPress Plugins to Download

1. Fullwidth Audio Player – WordPress plugin

Fullwidth Audio Player WordPress plugin let’s you add an audio player at the top or bottom of the window. The audio player runs with the new HTML5 audio engine and if it’s not supported, it will use a Flash fallback. In other words it runs on all major browsers and mobile devices like iPhone, iPad, Android etc.

Fullwidth Audio Player - WordPress plugin
Fullwidth Audio Player – WordPress plugin

Featured Audio is a great WordPress plugin that inherited all the best from featured image functionality. As you can see from the title, the plugin allows to set featured audio for each posts and pages. As a result this audio will be available for your visitors through powerful HTML5 audio player.

3. Uber Audio WordPress plugin

Uber Audio WordPress plugin is designed to provide the ultimate listening experience from your post, page, sidebar or template. Uber Audio allows you to put together a custom playlist quickly and easily. You can create beautiful players in seconds with the help of our Uber Audio player generator.

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Uber Audio Player Widget for WordPress
Uber Audio Player Widget for WordPress

You can customize this html5 audio player by changing the color for: player background, volume slider, timer, buffer, seekbar, song title, playlist background, playlist font and playlist item line separator.

5. Skan – Responsive Audio Player with Playlist

Using Skan – Responsive Audio Player with Playlist plugin you can make HTML5 audio player with playlist. It works on all modern devices (iPhone, iPad, Android, iPad mini).

6. HTML5 Audio Player With Playlist WordPress plugin

A simple and powerful HTML5 music player for your website with flash backup for older browsers. Restyle the whole player with basic CSS.

7. Advanced Music Player – WordPress plugin

Advanced Music Player WordPress plugin lets you create a music website in your WordPress blogs. You post music with custom image and details inside player easy and speedy. Also playing music inside the Facebook like soundcloud but image and description included.

8. Video Player WordPress Plugin – YouTube/FLV/H264

Video Player WordPress Plugin will help you administrate the entire video player using a very friendly interface. You’ll be able to customize the player look & feel, playlist and CSS file. The plugin comes in two versions: Right Side playlist and Bottom Playlist.

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