
Download FREE Post Type Icons in WordPress

As far as we know that WordPress plugin developers had previously launched a plugin let’s say MP6 WordPress plugin which on using breaks the wp-admin UI and it simply modifies the admin design in just a few minutes with an eye-catching admin panel design. If you remember that the icons that were being used to modify the design were pretty awesome. In this article, let me show you quickly and easily add icons to your custom post types in WordPress. Built for the new dashboard design that should come out with 3.7.

Post Type Icons is a WordPress plugin which on installing, gives you an extra menu.

Go to Tools → Post Type Icons

Now, in your theme or a plugin, set the icons in one of the following ways:

i). Call the function pti_set_post_type_icon( $post_type, $icon_name );, e.g. pti_set_post_type_icon( 'event', 'calendar' );

ii). Using the global variable $pti_icons, set the array key => value pair such that 'post_type' => 'icon-name', e.g. $GLOBALS['pti_icons']['event'] = 'calendar';

Post Type Icons

Here are 361 and more icons to choose from. Icons are the GPL-compatible Font Awesome Icons. This is built for the new admin design that should debut with 3.7 (you can use the MP6 Plugin until then).

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