
How Do I Get RSS Feed URL of My Website?

Get RSS Feed URL of your website directly from here. However, in this article I’m going to show you a PHP script which tracks the feed URL of your website.

SimplePie PHP Script

Well, the SimplePie is a very fast and easy-to-use feed parser, which is written in web programming language called PHP, that puts the ‘simple’ back into ‘really simple syndication’. SimplePie focused ease of use, compatibility and standards compliance.


  • PHP 5.x.x
  • libxml2 (certain 2.7.x releases are to buggy for words, and will crash)
  • Either the iconv or mbstring extension
  • cURL or fsockopen()

SimplePie RSS and Atom Feed Reader

How Do I Install SimplePie?

Well, I know that you want to give your visitors of your website something new that they desired from you every day. And now you realize why not to add this feed tracking PHP script on your own website and give your readers something more advanced way to read other websites on your own website. hhmmm… Yep, it’s great. You can install this simple feed tracking php script by reading the rest of the article…

Let’s start

First of all, we need to download the script from one of the following listed websites:

Resources to Download SimplePie

Once downloaded just unzip the .zip file in your Computer, and upload it in your hosting account in your desired location through FTP client area (FileZilla).

Now, all you need to do is to start running the location where you had uploaded the script in the browser. In the browser you’ll see a bunch of links, but you got to click only one called “Demo”:

Related  FlexNav jQuery Plugin for Responsive Menus

Demo SimplePie

That’s it… There nothing left to be configured.

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