
Top 17 Best WordPress SEO Plugins

In today’s article, I’m going to show you the best WordPress SEO plugins but all of these are premium plugins and are hosted on Codecanyon.net. These WordPress SEO plugins will surely increase your blog’s organic traffic if implemented on your WordPress blogs correctly. This includes, the plugins that improves your WordPress each blog post SEO, keyword finders for keyword research, Google authorship markup in search engines (Verify Google Authorship for free), etc. Here comes, the top 50 best WordPress SEO plugins, hoping you will like them…

50 best WordPress SEO plugins

1. Smart SEO – WordPress Plugin

Smart SEO WordPress plugin will let’s you optimize your WordPress blog for search engines. You can optimize each single blog post for search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing by using this plugin. Before I begin, let me just show you what I use (I use WordPress SEO by Yoast a free WordPress SEO plugin). smart SEO - WordPress Plugin

2. Keyword Finder for WordPress

I know that whenever we write new blog posts for our WordPress blog we always try to find relative keywords for the content we write but you also have to find keywords that users are using mostly. Normally if you do this process by manually this is takes like 5-10 minutes for each post, with keyword finder you can do that in seconds. Keyword Finder for WordPress3

3. xCommenter WordPress Auto Comment SEO Plugin

xCommenter is a powerful SEO WordPress plugin that will post unique (spun) content to your posts and pages and pings all the major RPC + search engines after the comments are posted. This will add unique content to your pages, entice user interactivity, and improve your SEO efforts by making your posts and page content fresh and updated when crawled by Google, Yahoo, Bing etc.

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4. Google Plus Author Information in Search Results

Have you ever seen profile pictures beside search results on Google? Google Plus Author Information in Search Results WordPress  plugin helps you to generate this Google+ Author Information in search results by replacing the author link in your theme template with your Google+ profile link. Google Plus Author Information in Search Results

5. Rich Snippets WordPress Plugin

Rich Snippets WordPress plugin helps you to generate this search results by using structured micro-data. According to the schema.org website search engines including Google, Yandex, Bing, and Yahoo! rely on this markup to improve search results, making it easier for people to find the right web pages.

6. WP Seo Suite Plugin

Yet another WordPress SEO plugin called “WP Seo Suite Plugin“. It is known as the advanced all in one seo solution for WordPress blogs. It automatically generates meta data, optimizes videos for SEO , analyze the seo score of post/page, displays a live search engine snippet preview, verifies Google analytics easily, generates breadcrumbs, displays Google author profile in search results and many other premium features are waiting to go with your blog. wp seo suite plugin

7. WordPress WDF Plugin

Due to the WDF plugin for WordPress (from version 3.2 on) you can always control the WDF value of your current article or your page. Our plugin keeps you updated about current values by a constantly updating chart and a diagram.

8. Word and Phrase Spinner

Spinner is a SEO plugin for WordPress that assists authors in “spinning” their content. Spun content allows authors to create Search Engine friendly variations and versions of their content and articles.

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9. WordPress SEO Post Optimizer

WordPress SEO Post Optimizer plugin will easily optimize your posts and pages in WordPress blog for search engines. It checks important SEO criteria.

10. WordPress Keyword Tool Plugin

WordPress keyword Tool plugin will help you to know those keywords that mostly people used to search and how many daily searches it receive so that you can target, it also will help you target these keywords the right way by checking keyword density insuring that your article is search engine friendly. Wordpress Keyword Tool Plugin

11. Meta Tags Optimization

Before starting the Meta Tags optimization WordPress plugin, it’s important to make a list of all the tags needed for the website or a specific page on the site.

12. WP Best Ranker

WP Best Ranker WordPress plugin is easy to install and setup which will take a few minutes then forget. It will be published fresh content for you in background. Can Pull Full Content with image and other content from RSS Feed in a schedule. WP Best Ranker

13. Users Sitemap & Archive – WordPress Plugin

The Users Sitemap WordPress Plugin makes it easy to create a users/authors archive for easy browsing with just a few clicks.

14. WordPress E-Commerce Seo Plugin

WordPress E-Commerce Seo Plugin is a eCommerce centric seo plugin for WordPress. With this plugin you can add rich snippets like rating , book , offers for your products. You can analyse your products seo.

15. Easy Redirect WordPress

Easy Redirect WordPress is designed to redirect with 301 pages or posts of your WordPress site. Easy Redirect WordPress

16. WP Extended Meta Tags

WP Extended Meta Tags is a plugin with wich you can add Title, Description and Keywords to ANY post, custom post, page, category or taxonomy you want.

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17. Litemap

Litemap is an incredibly light-weight on-site sitemap generator. Capable of paging hundreds of thousands of posts/pages, it gives you controls to list your blogs posts and/or pages alphabetically or by date published. Order ascending or descending.

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