Daily WordPress Plugins Roundup – 2 August, 2013

Today’s Featured WordPress Plugin

CoralCDN – This plugin enables using the Coral Content Distribution Network to speed up your website.

New Plugins

  1. Auto Thumbnailer – Automatically create thumbnails for posts when images are uploaded and the post is saved. Includes support for Oembed.
  2. Authors Page – Displays all users of a certain role on one page in a table showing their avatars and usernames and also linking to their detailed information.
  3. Before And After: Lead Capture Plugin For WordPress – Before And After is a lead capture plugin for WordPress. Use it to require visitors to complete a goal, i.e., filling out a form, before continuing.
  4. BuddyPress Wall – Turn your Buddypress Activity Component to a Facebook-style Wall.
  5. Buddypress User Language – Allows backend users to set the language displayed in the back-end and front-end of your buddypress site.
  6. Booking System (Booking Calendar) – This Plugin will help you to easily create a booking/reservation system into your WordPress website or blog.
  7. Comments for Nextgen Gallery – The plugin enables the users to comment on separate images in the Nextgen Gallery, using embedded WordPress functionality.
  8. Require Featured Image – Requires posts to have a featured image set before they’ll be published
  9. Redistats – Web stats especially made for WordPress Multisite with a large number of blogs but also works on a single blog. No additional load on your server.
  10. Rublon – Rublon protects your account from sign ins from unknown devices, even if your password gets stolen.
  11. Show Stock Quotes – Displays up-to-date stock data from Yahoo! Finance. Up to five stocks can be shown.
  12. User Specific Media Library – Limit users’ media library to media they have uploaded.
  13. User Time Zone – Allows users to set-up their local time zone on the profile page and view their local time on the website’s frontend.
  14. WP Mobile Plugin – All in one mobile solution for your WordPress powered blog or site.
  15. WP Cache Bucket – Allows cache items to be tied to a single validation key so they can all be expired at once.
  16. WP-location-tracking – A notification location tracking system GoldenTrail plugin. Allow you to quickly share location of yourself or people who you are tracking.
  17. YITH Newsletter Popup – YITH Newsletter Popup gives you the ability to have a floating popup with a newsletter form in any theme. It also supports WooCommerce products.
Related  20 Best of Best Mobile WordPress Themes

Today’s Premium WordPress Plugins

1. WordPress Meet the Team Shortcode Plugin

With this plugin it is possible to create, organize and customize your team page easily.

Wordpress Meet the Team Shortcode Plugin


2. Roundabout – WordPress Carousel Slider Plugin

Roundabout  WordPress Carousel Slider Plugin is ready-to-go straight out of the box carousel slider, it’s highly-customizable with more that 65 main configurations.

Roundabout - WordPress Carousel Slider Plugin

3. WP Change Password Plugin

WP Change Password Plugin

4. WooCommerce Ajax Pagination

WooCommerce Ajax Pagination

5. Coliris – Most Popular Recent Posts Widget

Coliris - Most Popular Recent Posts Widget

6. Fast Page Layout – WordPress Page Builder

It is simple and quickly to build your page with the Drag & Drop Interface.

Fast Page Layout - WordPress Page Builder

7. Next and Previous Posts List

Next and Previous Posts List is a WordPress plugin help you show newer and older posts of current post. In this plugin you can custom display newer posts, older posts or both. You can also custom number of post, show post thumbnail or not, use timthumb for thumbnail, auto or manual posittion to display.

Next and Previous Posts List

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