
Top 5 WordPress Plugins for Libraries

There are a considerable proportion of supporters for WordPress library community. Getting the right kind of plugins, for your WordPress blog library can be rather tough . Here are some commendable WP Plugins to make your WordPress blog library, rather more easier to navigate and to work with. It is intriguing to note that libraries using WordPress are hundreds, and there is an entire Facebook community with over two hundred libraries who are following WordPress-hence a lot of people can find an interest in this article.

Plugins for Libraries

5 Best WordPress Plugins for Libraries

Custom post types-plugin package

This plugin package was especially created keeping in mind the sites that have a format like staff directory, journal listing, and database listing and so on can benefit a lot from the Custom post types. This works also as a framework for libraries, and the three custom post types are:

  • Databases
  • Journals
  • Staff directory

All of these post types have a plugin and can be individually operated. All the sections can be added with customized meta-boxes for adding information like telephone numbers, time span, ISSN; customized columns, as well as custom taxonomies.


Relevanssi WordPress Plugin

Relevanssi WP plugin is extremely customized. It helps in searching by relevance and not by the date. Two versions-the free version and the premium version is available and features are written here by primarily keeping the free version in mind (Obviously there are more features in the Premium version).

It has some unique features like to match words, not by the full words but also by the partial words. It will allow you to search content, highlight it, as well as which part of the content the search word is. But what is the use of these features in practical? With these features, you will be able to set a fascinating look with tags titles and comments by weighing.

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It is a popular feature to include most popular queries, frequently asked questions, and for doing these, it gives the right support. Searches will become even more customized with ‘did u mean’ options and much more from Relevanssi can be expected from the free version.

Relevanssi WordPress Plugin


OpenBook Book Data

This plugin is for book reviewers and bloggers related to books. With this plugin, you will be able to create a cover image, add details of the author and add other information that are related to the book. This kind of format is seen in online libraries, and via this you may also add a link to the official website of the book. What more? Users may add templates or any other form of styling to the content.

Open book Data WordPress Plugin


Dave’s WordPress Live search

This WordPress plugin allows live search in the WordPress site. Visitor can search any word in the WordPress content, and it is extremely fast, and there is no need to use the submit button. You will not have to finish typing before you get the suitable results. This works better with JavaScript.


Jetpack by WordPress.com

Jetpack WordPress plugin for automatic social media posting whenever you post new post,page and custom post type.


  • Brute force attack protection
  • Spam filtering
  • Downtime monitoring (notifies via email whenever downtime occur)
  • Daily or real-time backups
  • Malware scanning
  • Fast, priority support from WordPress experts

One Comment

  1. The Open Book is exactly what I was looking for ! If you have any more similar to that, I would greatly appreciate it.

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