How to: Check Google AdSense Earning Reports Inside of WordPress Dashboard?

As you might know about Google AdSense, the one of the biggest advertising network across the world ;). And if you have monetized your blog with Google AdSense program and making money from it. Then it’s great that I’m going to cover in my today’s article about how you can see your Google AdSense earning reports inside of WordPress dashboard NOW… You don’t need to login to again and again after all you can see the AdSense earning reports directly in your WordPress dashboard.

Google Adsense Dashboard for WP

It’s a really simple WordPress plugin which tracks all the AdSense reports from your Google AdSense account and display that information on your WordPress dashboard. Here are the main key features by Google AdSense Dashboard for WP:

Key Features

  • It displays statistics about the cost per click (CPC), revenue, page views, clicks, click-through rate (CTR), revenue per thousand impressions (CPM) for a selected interval
  • It uses OAuth2 protocol and the Google AdSense Management API, your usernames and passwords will not be stored inside of your WordPress database. It means your AdSense account it completely secure, in case your blog database hacks 🙂
  • It enable users to select data ranges as today, yesterday, last 7 days, last 14 days, last 30 days to generate reports much like Google AdSense.

Google Adsense Dashboard for WP WordPress Plugin

Installations and Usage

  1. Download the .zip file
  2. Extract that file and upload it to wp-content/plugins directory (Don’t know how to install a plugin)
  3. Activate the plugin at the Plugins administration page
  4. Open up the plugin’s settings page, under Settings -> GAds Dashboard and enter your API Key, Client Secret and Client ID
  5. Go to your Admin Dashboard, look for the widget called Google AdSense Dashboard and authorize the application
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