How to Add RSS Feedly Widget in WordPress

The RSS Feedly is a great service to get you in touch with your favourite websites. It re-imagine how people keep in touch with their favourite sites. Feedly is a good RSS reading service that is increasingly getting popular these days. And people are thinking that it’s the best alternative of Google reader. And by the way, it’s  a short article that can help you to add RSS Feedly Widget in your WordPress blog that will allow your visitors to subscribe with your RSS feeds directly by click the widget from your blog’s sidebar. It’s a bit faster way to grow your blog effectively. Yeah! It will get you more subscribers. What I’m going to show you in this article, is simply going to install and activate a WordPress plugin called “Add to Feedly” that will allow Feedly users to subscribe with your blog RSS feed. To add follow on Feedly widget in your blog, follow the steps below:

Follow me on Feedly

How to Use Add to Feedly WordPress Plugin?

1. After installing the plugin in your blog, go to Appearance → Widgets
2. Drag and drop a widget (Add to Feedly) in the sidebar wherever you wish to display the follow on Feedly banner across your WordPress blog
3. Finally, configure the widget by adding your RSS feed URL in the widget settings and click the Save button

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