How to Add Google Feedburner Subscription Form in WordPress

The Google Feedburner subscription form let’s your blog visitors/readers to subscribe with your blog’s feeds, and the motive why they will try to subscribe with your blog feeds because it’s the only way to stay up to date with latest articles that took place on your WordPress blog. And I hope you will like this article on adding Google Feedburner subscription form in WordPress.

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Feedburner Form

Feedburner Form is a simple plugin that allows you insert Google Feedburner subscription forms in widget areas of your WordPress blogs. By adding feedburner form in your blog, you will able to allow your visitors to subscribe with your feed and receive emails by Google Feedburner every-time you publish a new article on your blog. You don’t need to worry about managing your subscriptions: the visitors can easily subscribe and unsubscribe themselves through Google Feedburner service.

Feedburner Form WordPress Plugin
Feedburner Form WordPress Plugin

How Feedburner Form WordPress Plugin Works?

Follow the steps below:

  1. Using this plugin is very simple, once you install and activate it in your blog, you will be able to add  Feedburner subscription form right in your blog sidebars by dragging and dropping the widget “Feedburner Form” in widget areas
  2. Inform your Feedburner username
  3. Choose to display or not a counter, with options
Feedburner Form WordPress Plugin Widget Options
Feedburner Form WordPress Plugin Widget Options
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