How to Cleanup Unused Images from a WordPress Blog

In WordPress we upload many images and sometimes we don’t embed those images in our blog posts but still those images exist on our server which should be deleted from the server in order to save the disk space. So, now we can cleanup unused images from our WordPress blog within minutes. If you are trying the same, just follow this article to know about cleaning up unused images from a WordPress blog.

Cleanup Images

Cleanup Images is a WordPress plugin that enables you to remove/cleanup unused from your WordPress blog media library. So, cleanup your Media Library and save disk storage by finding and deleting unused images from blog Media Library.

Follow the steps below:

  • First of all, install and activate this plugin in your blog
  • Navigate to Settings → Cleanup Images, and probably you will the screen like:
Cleanup Images WordPress
Cleanup Images WordPress

After Scanning for the unused images from your WordPress blog you will see the result of unused as well as used images.

Settings page of Cleanup Images WordPress Plugin

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  1. Awesome. Just bookmarked the plugin. WordPress generates multiple versions of an image when we upload it, so that will use lots of spaces.

  2. I hate to self advertise my plugin, but in this case I really need to point out the existence of another fine Image Cleanup plugin.

    For developers it is a must have and it seems to be helping a lot of users out there. Please check out the WordPress Image Cleanup plugin at

    Thanks! And choose whichever plugin does what you need!

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