15 Incredible Social Media WP Plugins to Increase Social Shares
Today, I’m going to share an incredible list of social media plugins to increase social shares incredibly. I hope that make scenes. By the way, these social media plugins have been written by WordPress Developers at CodeCanyon and I’m happy to write this article for people who want to increase the social shares and the social presence volume of their WordPress blogs. These incredible social media WP plugins includes social locker WordPress plugins and I’m sure that these plugins will surely increase your social shares by 600% if you’ve best and unique content over your blog.
So, here comes the list of incredible social media WP plugins to increase social shares for your WordPress blog. Please bookmark this article on your favorite social media profiles if you like it.
[sociallocker][button url=https://softstribe.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/softstribe.com-15_Incredible_Social_Media_WP_Plugins_to_Increase_Social_Shares.pdf icon=download-2]Download PDF[/button][/sociallocker]
Incredible Social Media WP Plugins to Increase Social Shares for WordPress
1. Social Locker for WordPress
Social Locker is a set of social buttons and a locker in one bottle. It allows you to lock a part of content on a webpage until a user clicks one of the social buttons (Facebook Like, Tweet Button, Google +1) and help you to get more likes/tweets/+1s, traffic and customers. Once the user clicks on one of social buttons the hidden content will be able to view-able to user who clicked on any social button.
Do you still place social buttons on every page of your site? But users don’t click the ones as often as you would like?
You should give people a reason why they need to click your social buttons. Even if people like your content, site or fanpage, they don’t click the buttons because they don’t worry about you, your benefits or your traffic. It’s not their problem.

2. Easy Social Locker
Easy Social Locker is a best social locker developed especially for WordPress which allows you to automatically lock any post, page, custom post type or selected content. Your content is hidden for visitors and the content will be able to view-able once the visitor clicks on like or share your page. This functions gives you more likes, shares, tweets or +1’s. Social media and search engine optimization are two of the best ways to get traffic and exposure for your website.

3. Social Content Locker for WordPress
Social Content Locker for WordPress gives you instant access to over 2 BILLION social media users allowing them to share your content to unlock it. Combine Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter, and LinkedIn to create a social media traffic generating powerhouse of your WordPress site.
More Shares = More Traffic = More $$$

4. Social Video Locker for WordPress
Social Video Locker WordPress plugin allows you to quickly and easily set up videos on your site using the web’s most popular video services that users must share any URL you want before they can watch the video.

5. Social liker – Social Locker For WordPress
Simply allow visitors to exchange a Like, +1 or Tweet for post content, videos, a free download, a coupon code or pretty much anything you want. Then, by clicking Like, they’ll promote your site to their friends, followers and colleagues…

Tweetly is a stylish CSS3 animated box that catches the eye instantly. It’s fast, uses no resources except what is already built it to WordPress.

7. WordPress Like Locker – Like to Read Plugin
WP Like Locker will allow you to add thousands of fans to your WordPress site on Facebook with almost no work.

8. Share Locker WordPress Plugin
Share Locker is a WordPress plugin that lets you hide a content on a page or a post. If a visitor wants to unlock the content, he/she will need to click on a social button like Facebook Share, Facebook Like, Twitter, Google+. This feature is very useful to make your page and web site more social and viral and to gain a lot of authority and trust for the search engine positioning.

9. Tweet to Download for WordPress
Tweet to Download is a WordPress plugin that turn the Tweet and Follow buttons in to download Buttons that allow you to drive tons of social traffic with tons of social shares….

10. Google +1 Content Locker
Tap into Google’s 500 million plus users with Google +1 Content Locker and gain immediate search and social traffic boosts.

11. Like 2 Unlock for WordPress
Like 2 Unlock WordPress which allows you to lock specified content on a webpage and in order to until a user clicks one the Facebook like button and help you to get more likes, fans, traffic and customers.

12. Facebook Like to Download for WordPress

13. Google Plus to Download For WordPress

14. Viral Coupon – Like, Tweet or G+ to get a Discount

15. Viral WordPress Locker G+,Tweet, or Like to unlock
This plugin helps you to lock specific pages but allows search engine crawler/bot to index your locked pages and those will restrict humans to like, tweet or g+ to unlock the content.