Awesome Screenshot with Google Drive Feature!

Whenever, I need to capture an screenshot, I use Awesome Screenshot Google Chrome extension. It is a basic tool to capture anything from your computer screen. I’ve been using it for more than 6 months, and seriously it has been a great help or flexibility to me.

It’s actually a nice way to capture something, or anything quickly with ease. You can find that extension here.

Those who use this extension, here’s a good news for those users. Now, you can save any screenshot directly after capturing to your Google Drive account. Directly, have a look here:

I just came to know about this new feature today when capturing an screenshot. Enjoy this newly-added feature, the feature rocks!

I use Google Drive too, and now could use this new feature for my easiness! I hope, you’d have liked this feature.

Not tried yet? Try so.

If you don’t know, how to use Awesome Screenshot, watch following video:


Let me know, how do you feel about this new addition?


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