Free Download Odin 3.09

We know that Odin is the most popular tool used by Samsung users to [glossary id=’16820′ slug=’flash-custom-roms’ /], kernels, official [glossary id=’16309′ slug=’ota-update’ /]s zip files and other similar changes. Odin brings new features, fixes and improvements that will allow you to flash official [glossary id=’16737′ slug=’stock-rom’ /]s for Samsung smartphones running on Android OS.

[glossary id=’16867′ slug=’chainfires-cf-auto-root’ /] tools are one of the most popular .tar files usually flashed by Samsung users, as it allows them to achieve root for their devices. Remember for Odin to work with your Samsung devices, all you need to do is to download and install the Samsung USB Drivers in your computer.To do so, follow this guide: Samsung USB Drivers for Android Free Download

Updated: April 10, 2014

Android Odin Software Rooting and Updating
Android Odin Software for Rooting and Updating

WARNING: When you use Odin 1.85 software be careful about the changes that you are making. You must know what are doing in Odin because if you make wrong changes, you can damage your smartphone device.

Let me tell you guys, USB Debugging Mode must be enabled when using Odin 3.09.

Related  How to One-click root Samsung S6 Edge (SC-04G) using Chainfire


  1. i have got kazamthunder345l and i installed chainfire3d and i have let it install it and it did a reboot and it stucks at powered by android.. can you help me fix it cause i can’t enable usb debbaging cause it is not starting the phone any help?

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