10 Signs You Are Tech Savvy Teacher Online
What does tech savvy teacher means? Let me tell you the tech savvy teacher meaning… Lets say that you write about tech on your online blog and put your hard work to give your readers/visitors assignments to complete and they put appreciating comments on your tech articles like “your article helped a lot, thank you.” or something like that. This connection between you and your reader makes you a tech savvy because you just put your hard work to help your readers and online visitors. This is just a single example but you can find 10 signs that makes you a tech savvy teacher online.
Below, I’m introducing you a best infograhpic that gives you 10 signs that makes you a tech savvy teacher. The credits goes to @DailyGenius who shared this interesting infographic on Twitter to inspire me and you like tech savvy teachers.

Embed the above infographic on your website/blog just copy and paste the following codes on your blog post editor: