
10 Best Alternatives of Dropbox 2019

In 2019, storage is going to be the main reason some big startups might fail because now it is all about data and data centers. The one who has it can succeed others are gonna watch only. So, I’m writing this article on the best alternatives of Dropbox in 2019 because people need a place to stay and store their personal and commercial data. For those of who don’t know what Dropbox is and what it does read the rest of the article and find the best alternatives solutions besides Dropbox.

Dropbox is one of the best sources to store your personal data online and access it from anywhere. You can put your data files on one computer but can access the data available in all computers wherever the internet access is available if the Dropbox software is installed. All the files that you save in your Dropbox online account are stored on the secure server of Dropbox but it requires an account on Dropbox to get started.


Best Alternatives of Dropbox 2019

1. Google Drive

Google Drive gives you the access to upload your personal data i.e, Photos, Videos, Songs, Albums, etc in your one Google account from where you can access your data from all around the world. Get started with Free 5 Giga Bytes and keep all your stuff in one place and then access it from any device, anywhere. You can directly download the Google Drive for the following devices:

Related  15+ Free PC Media Players to Download in 2013

WindowsGoogle Drive Android – Apple iPhone – Official website

2. Ubuntu One

Ubuntu One is also a free software gives you the ability to store your data securely, safely, even in one place. You can access your data from all around the world if the Ubuntu One is installed. Currently Ubuntu One supports these platforms -> Windows, Mac, Android, iOS, Ubuntu. You can store up to 5 GB data in Ubuntu one, and on publishing the word with your friends and telling them about Ubuntu One will give you more data storage.

Download Ubuntu One

3. SpiderOak

SpiderOak is 100% private online backup, sync & sharing instantly retrieve files from any device, anywhere.

Download SpiderOak

4. OneDrive Microsoft (Previously SkyDrive)

Onedrive is one of the best storage solutions online with best of the best pricing plans. It was known to be SkyDrive but not anymore it is officially brought to you by Microsoft company which gives you free protected online storage to your personal data. OneDrive is much like Google Drive.

Download OneDrive – OneDrive for Android

5. Box.com

Box.com provides you a simple secure sharing to your essential documents. Box.com lets you store your content online for free, and gives you the access to manage and share that content from anywhere.

Sign Up Today – Box Android

6. ownCloud

7. CloudApp

8. 4Shared

9. Wuala

10. TeamDrive

11. SparkleShare

12. Yandex.Disk (Yandex Disk)

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