How to Lazy Load Images in WordPress with Crazy Lazy

As I’ve already written an article about how you can lazy load your entire blog using top 3 lazy load WordPress plugins and decrease server requests and today going to show you another easy way to lazy load images in WordPress with crazy lazy.

Crazy Lazy

Crazy Lazy WordPress plugin will easily lazy load images of your blog entirely. It’s very simple to use, and all done once activated in your blog. Search engine and user-friendly (no additional script). Well, crazy lazy accepts the efficient display of images in the article WordPress blog. To increase the performance of your blog pages, not all images are immediately requested from the server, but as necessary: ​​Only when reaching the scroll position invites Crazy Lazy the picture after. By recharging technology, charge times can be shortened and reduce the traffic.

Crazy Lazy WordPress Plugin
Crazy Lazy WordPress Plugin

The lazy load plugin is simple and requires no built: Enable running. Depending on the theme or use the jQuery used Crazy Lazy optionally the Unveil.js jQuery plugin or the JavaScript native library lazyload.js.


Picture placeholders can be decorated via CSS. Some examples:

img [src * = 'data: image / gif; base64'] {
    border: 1px dashed # dbdbdb;
img.crazy_lazy {
    background: url (/ wp-includes/images/wpspin-2x.gif) no-repeat center center;
    background-size: 16px 16px;
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