
Top 10 WordPress Security Plugins to Secure WordPress Blog

Securing the WordPress blog is the most complicated task for most of the bloggers out there in Blogosphere. But, it’s not no longer be hard to keep their WordPress blogs secure from hackers. Because there are lots of WordPress plugins which enable us to scan as well as they give tips to resolve those security bugs that are exist near in the WordPress blog. I’ve also written a wide range articles about securing your WP blog.

5 Articles on Securing Your WordPress blog on Softstribe.com

1. Total Security

2. Limit the Failed Login Attempts

3. 12 Practices to Secure your WordPress

4. Tips to Recover Hacked WordPress Blog

5. Change Database Tables Prefix (if wp)

List of WordPress Security Plugins

1. Better WP Security

Better WP Security is the most easiest, and most effective WordPress plugin which monitors your WordPress blog security. It takes care of your WordPress blog. Better WP Security made it easy to secure your WP blog on one-click action. As attacks on WP blogs have been increased for several reasons behind, but the reason is not the hackers but it’s the recklessness of us cuz we don’t care about the sensitive information of our WP blog.

Get Better WP Security

2. BulletProof Security

Use BulletProof Security to protect your blog against Hackers. Using it you can secure the most important files inside of your webserver, such as:

1. XSS, RFI, CRLF, CSRF, Base64, codes injection and SQL Injection hacking attempts

2. .htaccess file protection on one-click action

Related  How to Get Notified via Email Whenever a Post Updated in WordPress

3. wp-config.php, bb-config.php, php.ini, install.php, upgrade.php, php5.ini, and readme.html with .htaccess security protection

4. One-click to resolve HTTP error logging and website maintenance mode (HTTP 503)


BulletProof Security checks the DB errors, the chmod files and folders permissions. There is also a built-in file editing, uploading and downloading for .htaccess.

Get BulletProof Security WordPress

3. WP Security Scan

WP Security Scan checks your blog against your blog security vulnerabilities and suggest you proper actions that need to be taken in order to resolve those vulnerabilities. It suggests you the perfect issues regarding your blog security such as:

  1. Passwords
  2. File permissions
  3. Database security
  4. Version hiding
  5. WordPress admin protection

Get WP Security Scan

4. WebsiteDefender WordPress Security

WebsiteDefender WordPress Security plugin monitors your website 24/7, tells you about the most common errors for hackers that they might exploit and provide you easy solution to figure them out. It’s free WordPress plugin on installation it protects your WordPress core installations and do the following things to prevent hackers to hack your WP blog:

  1. It removes the core version details which usually found in header
  2. It disables the PHP and Database error reporting
  3. Adds index.php to WordPress directories to avoid information disclosure automatically
  4. Much more…

Get Website Defender WordPress Security

5. Total Security

Total Security is a WP plugin which exactly does the total security for your WordPress blog 😉 I know it sounds good. It checks the overall WordPress core installation and provides you the detailed reporting on discovered vulnerabilities if they are found and tells you exactly on how to fix them. And if you want a guide on how to use this plugin, I have written an article about it check it out here.

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Get Total WordPress Security for your Blog

6. Security Ninja Lite

The Security Ninja Lite is really works like Ninja because it checks your WordPress blog against security vulnerabilities on one click action and gets info on many security aspects from your WP core installations.

7. Wordfence Security

Wordfence Security is a free security plugin for WordPress which includes a wide range of great and unique features. It includes a firewall, malicious URL scanning, and anti-virus scanning. It’s the only WordPress security plugin that can verify and repair your core installations, including WordPress, Themes and Plugins even if you don’t have backups. And the new feature by this plugin is that it now supports multi-site.

Get Wordfence Security plugin

8. Jumpple Security

It’s the best monitoring service for WP blog which absolutely free to use. Jumpple protects your blog against technical, content or any other issues that may occur.

Get Jumple security for WordPress

9. 6Scan Security

Take action against bloody hackers and block them from injecting malicious codes in your WordPress blog. 6Scan security is automatic and comprehensive protection against hackers. What this plugin does see right over here:

  • Disables SQL Injection
  • Blocks the Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
  • Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) prevention
  • Directory traversal
  • All of the OWASP Top Ten security vulnerabilities
  • Much more…

Get Sixscan Protection for WordPress

10. Sucuri Security – SiteCheck Malware Scanner plugin

Sucuri is a service for web-based security and is a great monitor for our weblogs. There is also a free WordPress plugin to secure WordPress blog. You can check your WP blog against the malware, evil codes, .htaccess hacks using Sucuri Malware Scanner plugin and can remove them on one click action. Here is an article about how to Use Sucuri plugin to secure your blog, check it out here.

Related  Google Officially Release Google Publisher Plugin (beta) for WordPress Users

Get Sucuri Security for WordPress


  1. Thanks for listing out the best security plugins. I am using some from your lists. Do you have any suggestion whether it is enough to use any one of them or combination of few? Which ones do you suggest?

  2. I just love Wordfence Security plugins it works fine on my site. Now I would like to test some others too thanks for sharing the best plugins. Thanks again for the wonderful post.

  3. Hello, friend my question is that, please tell how to secure wordpress blog /site from hackers? Is this responsibility of hosting providers or my-self. Kindly tell some plugins for wordpress.

    1. It is the responsibility of Both… Don’t install any new plugins because they suppose to be unsecure coded by novice programmers.. Read the article to get your site secured from hackers. 😀

  4. Great Job. Thanks for sharing.
    I would like to add one more in this list which is User Activity Log Pro Plugin for security enhance. It helps to monitor and keep track of all the activities occurs on the admin side.

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