Top 25+ Best WordPress Plugins by Yoast
Yoast is one of the best WordPress developers team out there on internet who have already served WordPress well by distributing one of the best WordPress SEO plugin by Yoast. However, Yoast company have spent many time on WordPress and developed amazing WordPress plugins to serve WordPress users. So, in this way I decided to write this article about those amazing WordPress plugins that Yoast company developers have developed yet successfully. Joost de Valk is one of the best guys behind Yoast company.
Best WordPress Plugins by Yoast
WordPress SEO by Yoast
WordPress SEO by Yoast improve your WordPress blog SEO on demand. Write better content and have a fully optimized WordPress site using the WordPress SEO plugin by Yoast.

Google Analytics for WordPress
The Google Analytics for WordPress plugin allows you to track your blog easily and with lots of metadata. So, by now you are able to start tracking your WordPress site easily and with lots of metadata: views per author & category, automatic tracking of outbound clicks and pageviews.

Convert Experiments by Yoast
A/B testing for WordPress now possible and simple. This plugin is a combined effort by both Convert and Yoast. It will enable your WordPress installation for use with the Convert Experiments™ conversion optimization suite.
Print Friendly and PDF Button
Print Friendly & PDF button WordPress plugin help you to save the paper and ink when printing or creating a PDF doc. It’s fast, easy, and looks great when printed. Add the button now, and your users will see the difference. Actually, this WordPress plugin automatically creates printer friendly PDF versions of your webpages without any hassle of having to create a print CSS file. No coding, hacking or programming required.
Clicky by Yoast
Clicky by Yoast WordPress plugin integrates the Clicky (from web analytics service into your blog. With Clicky by Yoast you will be able to add your Clicky (from tracking code everywhere. Option to ignore admins, option to store names of commenters and option to disable the use of cookies with a lot more options available.
Comment Redirect
Comment Redirect plugin redirects the commenters who just made their first comment to a page of your choice. On this page, you could thank them for commenting and ask them to subscribe to your blog, like you on Facebook, whatever you want.
Custom Field Finder
Custom Field Finder WordPress plugin allows you to easily find the custom fields (including hidden custom fields) and their values for a post, page or custom post type post.
SlideShare for WordPress by Yoast
Slideshare for WordPress by Yoast plugin easily embed SlideShare presentations into your WordPress posts by using the SlideShare embed code.
Minimum Comment Length
This plugin check the comment for a set minimum length and disapprove it if it’s too short. Make your commenters leave meaningful comments.
Integrate your fundraising system in your WordPress to allow your donors to donate, buy product, sponsor children and manage their accounts Shortlinks
This plugin replaces the default WordPress shortlinks with shortlinks.
RSS Footer
This plugin makes it easy to add a line of content to the beginning or the end of all the articles in your feeds, for instance to display a link back.
Users to CSV
This plugin adds an admin screen under “Users”, giving two options: exporting the current users to a csv file and exporting the unique commenters on your blog to a csv file.
Email Commenters
Sometimes you want an easy way to e-mail all the people who commented on a certain post. Up till now that took a bit of work, now it’s as easy as installing this plugin, and clicking the mail icon you’ll get in the toolbar.
RSS Shortcode
Simple plugin to show RSS feeds in posts and pages using a shortcode.
Robots Meta
This plugin makes it easy to add the appropriate meta robots tags to your pages, disable unused archives, nofollow unnecessary links as well as do som
Yoast Breadcrumbs
Easily add breadcrumbs to your template!
Cool info – but do some of these such as Comment Redirect work on WP 3.8.1? Some of these are only updated to 3.6.1, so I’m just wondering if you have had any problems on the latest version.
Your welcome.