How to: Promote Your Facebook Fan Page Effectively in WordPress?

Facebook one of the biggest social network around the web which allows you to chat online with your friends and family members for free. It gives you a pretty good chance to create your free fan pages for your company, brand, etc on Facebook. Which will not only increase the popularity of your company, brand, but also convert your visitors in customers.

I believe that convincing people to like your Facebook fan page is somewhat hard however if you have owned a website on WordPress then you’ll be able to increase your fan page likers easily. It’s what I call it a tricky way to increase your fan page likers but don’t worry you will surely get likers on daily basis.

Facebook Page Promoter Lightbox

Facebook page promoter lightbox is a WordPress plugin which adds a popup window on your blog homepage, posts, pages, or on all. It will allow your daily visitors to like your Facebook page for daily updates regarding your website. With this plugin you can display a pre-configured Facebook fan page like box in popup window.

For example:

Facebook Lightbox FanPage Promoter Plugin

Key Features:

  • Display Facebook lightbox onload with or without a delay
  • You can limit lightbox to be appeared once every x days per individual visitors
  • No api key needed

How it Works?

Follow the steps below to add Facebook like box in a popup window on your WordPress blog:

  1. Install Facebook Page Promoter Lightbox and activate the plugin
  2. Navigate to Arevico Settings > Facebook Lightbox from the left sidebar in your WordPress admin panel
  3. Add your Page ID (which you will see in your Facebook fan page URL)
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Facebook Fan Page ID

Note: If you didn’t find your Facebook page ID in your fan page URL, please follow this:

1. Go to: (Please kindly replace the name “Softstribe” from the URL and add your fan page name then hit enter)
2. On this page you will see your Facebook page information including ID, name of the page, description, etc.

Now, on the plugin settings page you have to decide where you want to display Facebook like box in popup window on the homepage, posts/page, or you want to display on all the pages. Specify that after how many days will the Facebook popup box will appear again to the same returning visitors.

See the screenshot of plugin’s settings page:

Facebook Fan Page Promoter WordPress Settings Page



  1. Nice plugin which serves the purpose well. I am going to use this plugin on my website, I guess. Btw, do you know anymore alternative plugin which is similar to this and which has feature so that likebox won’t appear for those visitors who already liked the fanpage?

    1. Hi @Farzana Neha, thanks for commenting such a great question you are right. BTW I’ll search for this KINDA plugin and then let you know or publish a new post if I found…

      1. The feature you are asking for it not entirely possbile. It requires to use the facebook api (instead of iframe). Even then, the visitors mus connect to the app before it is possible to check if a use has liked a page. These features are more advanced so we decided to include them into the premium version of this plugin, so that we are able to give adequate support.

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