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How to Block Unwanted Query Strings URLs in WordPress

If you are getting page indexing issue i.e., Duplicate without user-selected canonical on Google Search Console, then you are going to get an answer in this article.

I’m writing a code snippet for WordPress users that will help them permanently fix this ‘Duplicate without user-selected canonical’ page indexing issue.

Page indexing > Duplicate without user-selected canonical

I was checking out page indexing issues on Google search console then I found that, query string URLs that contains a question mark (?) and equal (=) sign inside URLs. I tried to run a link and it was loading my homepage but the link was wrong hence the canonical tag issue was raising and sending signal to search console.

Here is the example:

To prevent this error in Google search console, I have created the following snippets which you have to install on your WordPress website.

Block Unwanted Query Strings URLs in WordPress

  • Go to Plugins > Add New > Code Snippets
  • After activating the plugin, Snippets > Add New
  • Paste the following code in the snippet editor and activate the code
  • Now, you all unwanted query strings URLs will show Forbidden error rather than homepage
function block_unwanted_query_strings() {
    // Check if the request is for the admin area or if the user is logged in
    if (is_admin() || is_user_logged_in()) {

    // Allow the WordPress search query and block all other query strings
    if (!empty($_GET) && !(isset($_GET['s']) && count($_GET) == 1)) {
add_action('init', 'block_unwanted_query_strings');

See the error in the image below which the bots will get after you activate the above snippet.

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You won’t have to face any duplicate without user-selected canonical errors with unwanted query strings URLs in Google search console.

Note: You need to login to your WordPress Dashboard using this url example.com/wp-login.php (because wp-admin won’t work)

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