Daily WordPress Plugins Roundup – 19 July.2013

New Plugins

  1. Advanced Custom Fields: PayPal Field – Add PayPal Single Items to your website with the use of WordPress and the Advanced Custom Fields Plugin.
  2. Delete All Comments Easily – Delete all comments or All the Pending Comments from your WordPress Site Easily.
  3. DOP Shortcodes (WordPress Plugin) – This is a collections of shortcodes we use in our themes.
  4. Follow Me Sidebar – Make the WordPress admin sidebar follow you as you scroll down the page, great for long edit screens!
  5. Select Menu – This plugin is free. And you can use this plugin to add/ create select menu widget from custom menu or your primary menu.
  6. SPDM Shortcode Slider Multisite – Now you can show posts/pages from other sites of your multisite in a jQuery Featured Slide show controlled by shortcodes (has 5 default layouts).
  7. Simple Scroll To Top – This plugin is the most efficient way to add smooth scroll to top option in your WordPress blog.
  8. wp-tmkm-amazon – wp-tmkm-amazon is plug-in which generates the affiliate code of an Amazon associate easily.
  9. WP Offscreen Navigation – Simple to use slide out menu (like mobile Facebook, Gmail, etc.)
  10. Wikipedia for tag pages – A widget that displays excerpts from Wikipedia articles relevant to the tag on tag-pages. Support for multiple languages.
  11. WEN’s Social Links – A simple plugin that can be used to link to 21 social networking sites .
  12. WP-Property – BLM Export – Add-on for WP-Property plugin that allows a feed to property portals to be automatically generated
  13. Which Template – Work out which template your page is currently looking at.
  14. WP TimeZone – Automatically changes the WordPress time zone settings based on CET and CEST.
  15. WPstitial – Monetize your WordPress site with full-page interstitial ads
Related  How to Add a Google Map Lightbox Popup in WordPress

Updated Plugins

  1. Hello Kurt – When activated you will randomly see a lyric from Smells Like Teen Spirit in the upper right of your admin screen on every page.
  2. Kebo Twitter Feed – Your Twitter Feed without creating your own Twitter App.
  3. MORPHEUS RESPONSIVE 3D SLIDER – The Morpheus responsive 3D slider is a new plugin for WordPress which to create sliders with, galleries, presentations, infographics and anything you
  4. WooMobile – WooCommerce on the go. Access your shop anywhere on your iPhone.

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