50+ Most important WordPress short keys

We know that speed dial thing in our mobile phone is a kind of fast way of dialing numbers and easily get in touch with someone faster by just dialing their numbers with a click of button 😛 Similarly, it is important to know about WordPress short keys in order to format your WordPress posts and pages faster.

Yep, if you are looking for WordPress short keys then you are on the right page and you may read the rest of article and start formatting your posts faster in WordPress post editor.

Also read: How to Check Plagiarism Content While Writing Post in WordPress | Online Plagiarism checkers

Most important WordPress short keys

So here are a few tables of most important short keys that you should know about in order to work better + faster in WordPress.

Most common default short keys for many editors (including MS Word)

Well, I know that you might already known these short keys but the reason sharing these is for those who don’t so you can skip this section if you know and move on reading the rest of WordPress short keys that includes Shift + Alt + Key.

Ctrl + Key

Press To
ctrl+c Copy
ctrl+v Paste
ctrl+a Select all
ctrl+x Cut
ctrl+z Undo
ctrl+y Redo
ctrl+b Bold
ctrl+i Italic
ctrl+u Underline
ctrl+k Insert/edit link

Most important WordPress editor short keys

Alt + Shift + key

The following shortcuts use a different key combination in Windows, Linux and Mac operating systems:

For Windows/Linux: “Alt + Shift (⇧) + letter”

Mac: “Ctrl + Option (alt ⌥) + letter”. (Macs running any WordPress version below 4.2 use “Alt + Shift (⇧) + letter”).

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Press To
Alt + Shift + n Check Spelling (This requires a plugin.)
Alt + Shift + l Align Left
Alt + Shift + j Justify Text
Alt + Shift + c Align Center
Alt + Shift + d Strikethrough
Alt + Shift + r Align Right
Alt + Shift + u • List
Alt + Shift + a Insert link
Alt + Shift + o 1. List
Alt + Shift + s Remove link
Alt + Shift + q Quote
Alt + Shift + m Insert Image
Alt + Shift + w Distraction Free Writing mode
Alt + Shift + t Insert More Tag
Alt + Shift + p Insert Page Break tag
Alt + Shift + h Help
Alt + Shift + x Add/remove code tag
Alt + Shift + 1 Heading 1
Alt + Shift + 2 Heading 2
Alt + Shift + 3 Heading 3
Alt + Shift + 4 Heading 4
Alt + Shift + 5 Heading 5
Alt + Shift + 6 Heading 6
Alt + Shift + 7 Plain Paragraph
Alt + Shift + 9 Address

Editor width in Distraction Free Writing mode

Ctrl + Wider
Ctrl – Narrower
Ctrl 0 Default width

Short keys for WordPress Comments

To enable keyboard short keys in comments go to Users > Your Profile, for visual information see the screenshot below.

Enable Keyboard ShortCuts in Comments WordPress
Enable Keyboard ShortCuts in Comments WordPress

After you enable the option from your profile, go to Comments and tick the comments on which you want to perform the short keys and you can perform the following comment short keys to perform specific action.

Shift + Key

Press To
Shift + a Approve comments
Shift + s Spam comments
Shift + d Delete comments
Shift + u Unapprove comments
Shift + t Trash comments
Shift + z Restore comments from trash

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