Lazy Load Social Sharing Buttons with Socialite.js

Socialite.js is a free script written in JavaScript which easily applies over social sharing buttons and make them lazy load. Basically, using socialite.js script in your blog, will make your blog load faster than ever before because when your website runs in the web browser along with other JavaScripts the JavaScript files of social sharing buttons also run which increases the page load time and your site may load lazily. This makes your visitors bore and maybe they (visitors) will leave your website right away. But rather than loading your entire site lazy why not load only the social sharing buttons load lazy and make your blog run somewhat faster. I know it sounds good ;).

lazy load social sharing buttons with socialite


  • It loads the external resources when a user needs
  • Less than 5kb when minified and compressed
  • More accessible and style-able
  • Support for Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Spotify
  • Extensible with other social networks
  • Compatible in all major browsers
Compatibility: All Major Browsers
Download from GitHub:

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