Top 5 Alternatives of Google Analytics

Do you use Google Analytics (GA) especially to track your site visitors and analyze your content about how far does your content go viral? No, I guess use it because it’s one of the best and a popular one for Web Analytics and reporting. Beside Google Analytics out there many people who are also looking for alternative tools to track your site performance.

Luckily, there are many options available (to get alternatives of Google Analytics), but I can’t list the single alternative tool on this list, but I’m going to highlight top alternatives of Google Analytics.

There is also an open source Piwik web analytics i.e, How to install Piwik Open Source Web Analytics?

1. Woopra

My favorite alternative for GA which includes many same features. It tracks 24/7 and displays important stats, analytics about your visitors in real-time. However, there is an option to generate reports and send out emails to invite your customers to revisit your Website.


One cool thing about Woopra is that it’s:

A comprehensive, timeline for every user, tracks [everyone] from anonymous visitors to converted unique customers and displays the real-time profile.

Woopra Official and Woopra WordPress Plugin.

2. SessionCam

SessionCam is a unique online tool that lets you record and replay every visit to your website. You can now see every click made on your site, even you can see forms as they’re being filled out. You’ll have access to conversion funnels, Web analytics, and field drop-off reports. It’s shows you the hottest section of your blog where your visitors tuned (I mean heatmap). It’s very best online analytics tracker for those who are wanting to track their visitors every step taken on their sites.
SessionCam Official

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3. Inspectlet

Inspectlet is an online tracking service which provides you four awesome features:

  1. Visitor Screen Capture
  2. Eye-tracking heat maps,
  3. Real-time Analytics
  4. Custom metrics

You can see your visitors’ activities as they use your site (I mean clicks, scrolling, and typing).
Inspectlet Official


4. Gauges

Gauges is the awesome tool to analyze your Web traffic in real-time, it tracks each time you get a new visitor on your site, you can see what page they’re on and where they’re from( location). The user friendly interface displays your data in a beautiful charts and graphs, which are all accessible from a single dashboard. You can quickly see the status of your visitor’s activity. You can also see how your content is performing and see which posts/pages are doing well with heat-maps.
Gauges Official


5. Reinvigorate

It can be described in a few words like:  “simple, real-time Web analytics and heatmaps” tool. However, from available features, you can track the visitors activities page views in real-time. Among these things it gives you the hottest heat maps in-depth click-tracking and analysis.

Simple, Real-Time Web Analytics and heat maps tool


The Web version includes:

  1. Granular Graphing
  2. Detailed Visitor
  3. Reporting Referral Tracking
  4. Page-Level Details
  5. Globally Distributed Tracking, and much more.

Reinvigorate Official


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