Nobody waits. Introducing Speed Up WordPress..

You heard it right; nobody waits.

Online users’ span has been getting narrower than ever. An average user abandons a page that takes more than 3 seconds to load. That’s to emphasize how important Web Performance Optimization is. Heh? What.. web perfromence optimisation? Yes, Web Performance Optimization. That is a kind of discipline that is in need of immediate attention. Because the # slow websites on the WWW is continually growing, rather than reducing.

Web is infinite, but your users’ time is not.

They don’t wait. Neither does Google rank any sluggish page as well as it’d rank same page otherwise.

Turns out Google respects and loves pages that load faster. Well.. how does Google define “faster”. My personal rough guess is that a page that loads in lesser than 2 seconds is a faster page. And you know, it is not just about the search rankings, Google or User Experience; it is about Web itself. The network that has made information rapidly accessible by anyone, anywhere in the world with the use of fingertips!

That power is unprecedented. Ask someone who used to teach 50 years earlier “how did they research or study?” They will tell you long tales of going to library, wandering around boring bookshelves, selecting a couple of books and then reading more than 5 books to actually get to the piece of information they were in search of. That must be pain in neck.

Why should you care?

TL;DR: Because you’re most likely a website owner.

Coming back to the topic of Web Performance Optimization..

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Most of the readers of Softstribe are ones who use and make their stuff with WordPress.

WordPress is great, I admit, but with tons of features come performance at stake. I mean in sprit of adding more features, making one’s website more beautiful, you’re also increasing the page load time – that is time it takes for the website to load. You don’t want to do that. You care about User Experience. You care about how Google thinks of your website. If you weren’t, you wouldn’t be here, agree?

So what you ought to do? To improve the page load time, of course?

“But I’m no expert,” you say

That’s alright if you don’t know how to improve the page load time of a website. It’s perfectly okay if you are new to WordPress. It’s okay if you have never thought about that either. Because we have something for you today. Something so special. Something that can double the traffic of your WordPress website. Something that can triple the page load time of your website. Something that can make your website readers fall in love with you; for making their experience so awesome.

There are certain techniques, steps and methodologies involved that could just speed up the page faster. Some works for most websites, others for special ones. This requires a great deal of experience. We’re talking about improving Google PageSpeed Insights’ score, GTmetrix score, Pingdom Tools’ score and YSlow score, right?

So it is clear that this is not the kind of issue that can fixed by making a couple of searches, reading a couple of articles, et cetera. Sure, you can improve page load time that way, but not as much as it could be if you try Speed Up WordPress.

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Introducing Speed Up WordPress

Not everyone wants to get their hands dirty. Not everyone has got the time the issue requires. You might not have time or you might have what it takes to improve Google PageSpeed, agree? To help address the issue, I, Muhammad Haroon has started providing this service. I’m calling it “Speed Up WordPress” – for anyone who cares about Web, UX and their search rankings.

To introduce you to what it is all about, here goes a short intro:

Speed Up WordPress by Softstribe is a Web Performance Optimization service. I will personally look for the bottlenecks of your website, fix them and achieve you a Google PageSpeed Insights’ score ~90 – that’s for both Mobile section as well as Desktop portion. A website with such a high speed will make Google love it and users fall in love with the experience.

We have been doing such projects for a long time, but the # of sluggish sites shocked us badly. So many slow websites and almost nobody gives a damn!

Thereafter the realization, we decided we could help. Thus the idea of Speed Up WordPress was born. Here is going to be implemented.

So what’s the deal?

To take this new idea off the ground, we have decided to give away Speed Up WordPress service free to the first 50 people who show up (19 people have already booked us, don’t be late). Free plan does as good as Enhanced plan, except for it’s for those who cannot afford Enhanced. So what are you waiting for, buddies? Go, book yourself something!

PS. Upon clicking any of the “buy now” buttons, contact us with subject “Speed Up WordPress” and mention plan you’re going with.

Pro plan, free only for first 50 people
Get ~90 Google PageSpeed score without paying a dime. This offer is for first 50 projects only!
Minify HTML
Minify JavaScript
Combine CSS files in one
Combine JS files in one
Avoid @import
Enable Keep-Alive
Combine images using CSS sprites
Enable GZip compression
Scale images
Serve resources from a consistent URL
Remove query strings from static resources
Recommended CSS & scripts order

Grab it!

Pro plan is the “fix” to your WordPress site. It works like charm.
Minify CSS
Minify HTML
Minify JavaScript
Combine CSS files in one
Combine JS files in one
Avoid @import
Enable Keep-Alive
Combine images using CSS sprites
Enable GZip compression
Scale images
Serve resources from a consistent URL
Remove query strings from static resources
Recommended CSS & scripts order

I’ll pay!