How to Add Custom Header Images in WordPress Twenty Thirteen Theme
Do you want to change the default WordPress header images from your WordPress Twenty Thirteen theme? If so, then in this article I’m about to show you the easiest way to add custom header images in WordPress Twenty Thirteen theme? Yeah, that’d be great to add custom header images as we desire.
Adding Custom Header Images in WordPress
Add Custom Header Images WordPress plugin will remove default header images and load custom header images from The Headers page. You can also display these header images randomly in your theme. Actually, this plugin create a Page named The Headers then upload header images (media files) to the page. The page may have a visibility of private.

How it Works?
Go to Appearance → Header or Customize → Header Image and select Randomize from the Default Images section.
That’s all done.
YOu have explained it clearly but i want to ask you that is their any plugin simlar to that which can be used to create header immage for blogspot blogger as well.