Free 10 Fastest WordPress Themes for Personal Blogs 2017

Hello there! Today Softstribe presents you with a list of top 10 fastest WordPress themes. Page speed, is since, one of the search engine factors, makes the performance of a theme really important. WordPress themes are known to be very feature-rich around the Content Management Systems community, but that reputation often comes at a price. That is the price of web performance, these themes may have 100+ grid blocks, be supported with Visual Composer and have tonnes of options, settings and widgets, but these also hit page speed performance.

That is right. Now while I say that the more features a theme brings, the likelier it is for it to be low on page speed, but that is not necessarily applicable for all themes. I mean there are WordPress themes which have their fair share of features, but they are so well-coded and have pagespeed taken care of since start of their development, that they are still good with page speed. Now this list presents you with top 10 fastest WordPress themes for personal blogs in 2017, which are not only amazingly fast as in speed but are also feature-rich.

The criteria by which I am ranking these themes is testing them through various page speed testing tools. There are many page performanc testing tools, but ones are that more common than others are:

  • Google PageSpeed Insights: This tool as self-explanatory is a little tool from Google to help measure web performance of sites. It checks the speed of a site in two steps; first it checks speed via mobile user agent, then on desktop user agent. It not only shows you screenshots of how the tested site looks on desktop and on mobile, but also gives you pagespeed score out of 100. To be in 80-90 range is great, but of course the more the better, right? Fun fact: it does not tell you page load time, which is the time it took for the site to be loaded properly. Caution: I hate this tool, because it sucks! You can also follow this guide on how to make your existing theme faster.
  • GTmetrix: This is my favorite tool, because the user interface is incredible. It shows PageSpeed grade and its suggestions/issues as well as it shows YSlow grade. A grade is spectacular to have, B is good enough, C means “work on it!” and D means emergency and so on. Get GTmetrix WordPress plugin.
  • Pingdom Tools: This is one of the oldest tools and not only shows you a waterfall of how user agent rendered the site, file by file and how much each of those files took while DNS looking up, connecting, waiting, sending and receiving. The size of each file is also shown, but that’s not all, you get a score out 100 points. The most interesting statistic is that how is your site’s performance in comparison to 1000s others the tools has tested. I checked for Softstribe, it said “Your website is faster than 75% of all tested websites.”
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So these were the tools I used to rank these themes. Each theme has score/grade from each page speed testing tool and its features are described in a handy bullet points format.

Free 10 Fastest WordPress Themes for Personal Blogs in 2017

JustWrite WordPress Blog Theme

JustWrite is a free personal blog theme that you can use for your blog to give your blog an elegant simple look. If you have a news magazine website then you can also use this justwrite theme on that because it is more like multipurpose theme for free. JustWrite theme preserve clean lines and an open-spaced design. With justwrite you can build your homepage’s layout and structure with 10 sections and 8 custom sidebar widgets.

Included sections:

  • Slider
  • 2 types of Masonry layouts
  • Recent posts from categories (2,3,4 columns)
  • Advertising
  • Archives
  • Popular Posts
  • WooCommerce (but in JustWrite Pro version)

Download Justwrite | Justwrite Demo

Deadline WordPress Theme

Deadline WordPress theme is free and you can use it on your blog or magazine website as well. The deadline theme focuses on content and readability, with an intuitive design and two-column layout. The Front Page provides the ability to highlight your main posts as well as feature up to 5 different post categories.

Download Deadline Theme | Premium Deadline Theme

Zimple Lite Personal Blog Theme

Zimple Lite WordPress theme is simple, beautiful and highly optimized. Zimple lite is one of the best theme for displaying advertisement. Zimple Lite comes with 2 columns layout and 2 menu locations i.e., Primary and Secondary (which contains menu links + social media icons). However, a carousel slider (30+ Carousel Slider WordPress Plugins) is added below header to display recent, popular or featured posts in a very cool and tidy manner.

Related  How to: Add Grid View on Homepage in Genesis Framework?

Download Zimple Lite Theme | Demo Zimple Lite Theme

Blesk Magazine-style Blog Theme

Blesk magazine style clean blog WordPress theme, perfectly fit for a small magazine site. However, it fits really fine to a personal blog as well.


  • Featured posts carousel below navigational menu
  • 2 built-in navigational menu locations
  • Fully widgetized homepage
  • Color controls
  • and much more…

Download Blesk Theme

Writee Personal WordPress Blog Theme

Writee is a free personal WordPress blog theme with a creatively bold and stunning look. Writee is fully-responsive and mobile-friendly which is really good for maximum user-experience.


  • Pixel perfect design
  • Custom widgets
  • Customizer Options
  • Full-width/boxed slider to showcase your content with style.

Download Writee theme | Demo Writee theme

Wisteria WordPress Theme

Wisteria is modern blog WordPress theme with charming design. It is fully responsive for all kind of electronic devices from smartphones to iMac laptops layout. Wisteria theme have clean and content focused design with straightforward functionality. This theme is a versatile, sophisticated WordPress theme designed for bloggers.

Download Wisteria WordPress Theme

Monograph Theme

Monograph is a 2-columns grid view modern WordPress theme that could be used on any blog or news website. The front page of the theme gives you ability to highlight your most important posts as well as feature up to 5 different post categories.

Download Monograph Theme

xMag Personal blog Theme

xMag is a free magazine style WordPress theme but not really magazine style more like personal blog-style. xMag theme comes with a simple but elegant design.

Download xMag Personal blog Theme | Demo xMag Theme

BresponZive WordPress Theme

BresponZive WordPress theme comes with magazine/blog style layout that will complete all of your needs within a theme design. BresponZive includes various of customization options to choose from like, color, layout, navigation and more. This theme is fully responsive, easy-to-use fully and featured WordPress theme.

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  • 2 columns
  • Unlimited homepage Magazine style
  • Widgetized sections
  • WP Nav menus
  • Widgetized sidebars
  • 7 Popular Widgets inclusing stylish social Icons widget.

Note: Theme includes 3 different styles i.e., Magazine with traditional blog style, Magazine style, Traditional blog style as well.

Download BresponZive WordPress Theme | Demo

Magazine Plus WordPress Magazine Theme

Magazine Plus is a sleek and attractive, modern and responsive WordPress Theme. Magazine plus theme suits on magazine or news websites as well as traditional blogs. Magazine plus theme is SEO friendly which means it is search engine optimized and Google, Yahoo, Bing bots can access your site without any obstacles. If you use this theme then don’t worry about responsiveness because it works amazing on any device, regardless of the size of its screen.

Download Magazine Plus | Demo


I have compiled this list of free 10 fastest WordPress themes for personal blogs in 2017 with my personal experience with these these themes listed above. I used them before listing them here. So, if you have any better WordPress theme which is free and fast kindly comment below.

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