
5 Plugins to Reduce Bounce Rate of Your Genesis Based site

Bounce rate decreases when your blog must has (Quality Content, Well Designed and More Functions to browse). You got it correct.

Okay, stepping ahead with some effective plugins for your genesis based website to increase the functionality in your blog and give an attractive look to it. As we know, an stand out look can attract a visitor’s heart to your blog.

So, what’s revolving around in your mind. Maybe you’re thinking about some widgets like popular posts, most recent posts, categories, tags etc obviously these increase the functions in your blog but I’m not saying it’s a bad idea although everyone is using these things.

Nope, I’m talking about something else, something new, what you may ever thought before. But I want to share what rarely people do/know. It helps a lot in growing up your site faster and reduce bounce rate too.

5 Plugins to reduce Bounce rate in Genesis

Quick Plugins to Reduce Bounce Rate for Genesis

1. Genesis Layout Extras

This plugin help you to manage your site’s layout, and the most awesome thing is that there are over 12 components what you may customize with it, including your homepage, 404 page, posts, pages, categories, tags and much more. This plugin is much easier to use and understand.

Confused :?: on how this plugin will decrease your site’s bounce rate! Here’s we go, I know I know how ridiculous it feels. Lemme elaborate a bit, unless you don’t have a good eye touching layout for your blog it’s not possible to engage with your readers right away. I hope, you’ll see a bit change just by configuring your theme.

Related  Daily WordPress Plugins Roundup – 12 August, 2013

Good news is that, the plugin is now offering to configure bbpress forum too. Enjoy it yourself just by downloading it directly from here!.

2. Genesis Tabs

This is what I really love the plugin because it adds a tabbed section from where it shows the recent posts according to the categories, the tab contains post title, post excerpt and a little thumbnail post image, and you can apply tab section wherever you want just by dragging a widget.

Basically, this plugin increase the functionality within your blog :D for the user to browse more and more links from your site. I know, it’s sound crazy but just after applying this plugin you will be able to feel the change, how awesome your site is looking and how much change did your find in decreasing bounce rate.

Download Genesis Tabs Plugin

3. Genesis Simple Hooks

The most simple and very great plugin to manage the design of your Genesis Framework based site. Suppose, if you don’t like something within your site and want to configure that thing using your custom HTML, CSS, PHP, and shortcodes, you can do it without editing or finding the files what to edit, because this plugin helps a lot in saving your precious time and give you the direct functions to add the HTML, PHP and Shortcodes wherever you want to add in your child theme :D .

Huh! I found this plugin very helpful hope you’ll find it helpful too. It contains over the 50+ action hooks to take/change the child theme’s style :shock: . Yeah! It’s the easiest way to modifying your Genesis Child Theme.

Related  How to Add Snow Falling Effect on WordPress blog

Download Genesis Simple Hooks Plugin

Let’s see an example to modifying the footer, just by hooking the following code:

<div class="gototop">
    <p><a href="#wrap" rel="nofollow">Return to top of page</a></p>
<div class="creds">
    <p>Copyright &copy; <?php echo date('Y'); ?> &middot; <a href="http://www.studiopress.com/themes/genesis" title="Genesis Theme Framework">Genesis Theme Framework</a> by <a href="http://www.studiopress.com/">StudioPress</a> &middot; <a href="http://wordpress.org/" title="WordPress">WordPress</a> &middot; <?php wp_loginout(); ?></p>

4. Genesis Featured Grid

Featured Grid? What to know about this? Everyone would be able to understand just by reading the name of this plugin. It adds a featured grid layout within the homepage wherever you want to add just by dragging a widget. It increases layout functionality and display the posts in the grid on according to your choice, most of people use 4, most of 6 and sometimes they use 2 posts in the grid.

Download Genesis Featured Grid Plugin

5. Genesis Responsive Slider

I think there  are many plugins that allow you to add slider within your Genesis child theme but not be the same as genesis responsive slider is. It adds the post title, post thumbnail image, and post excerpt within the slides.

Download Genesis Responsive Slider Plugin

The most overwhelming thing is that the slider is much configurable, you may config the dimensions of slideshow. If you want to adjust the slider default to the child theme you may use this quick filter similar to the following one:

add_filter( 'genesis_responsive_slider_settings_defaults', 'my_child_theme_responsive_slider_defaults' );

function my_child_theme_responsive_slider_defaults( $defaults ) {
    $defaults = array(
        'post_type' => 'post',
        'posts_term' => '',
        'exclude_terms' => '',
        'include_exclude' => '',
        'post_id' => '',
        'posts_num' => 5,
        'posts_offset' => 0,
        'orderby' => 'date',
        'slideshow_timer' => 4000,
        'slideshow_delay' => 800,
        'slideshow_arrows' => 1,
        'slideshow_pager' => 1,
        'slideshow_loop' => 1,
        'slideshow_height' => 400,
        'slideshow_width' => 920,
        'slideshow_effect' => 'slide',
        'slideshow_excerpt_content' => 'excerpts',
        'slideshow_excerpt_content_limit' => 150,
        'slideshow_more_text' => '[Continue Reading]',
        'slideshow_excerpt_show' => 1,
        'slideshow_excerpt_width' => 50,
        'location_vertical' => 'bottom',
        'location_horizontal' => 'right',
        'slideshow_hide_mobile' => 1
    return $defaults;


  1. Great article, I have just installed the tab plugin on my site and I would love to see how other people are using it.

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