30+ Excellent Responsive Slider WordPress Plugins

Today this article gonna be a long list article, in which I’m about to list down excellent responsive slider WordPress plugins that you can use and benefit from in your blog. I’m sure that you will like this list and feedback via comments below. Before you begin to read this article, let me show you a list article about 30+ Best of Best Free Stylish jQuery SlideShow Plugins which I have already published on my blog. As a website owner I know what my readers want for example i.e, we add sliders in our websites/blogs to provide visual information about something by capturing images and add them inside of slider and this time according to the technology trend I found a list of excellent responsive slider WordPress plugins that will work also in mobiles, Tablet PCs, and even in iPhone, Ipad due to their (sliders) best responsive feature.

[Updated: June 1,2014]

RoyalSlider – Touch Content Slider for WordPress

RoyalSlider is WordPress plugin that adds responsive image gallery and HTML content slider in your blog posts/pages, sidebars, wherever you want the slider inside your blog. It can easily be adjusted within your WordPress blog due to its responsive feature. By the way, this plugin comes with touch-swipe navigation. It’s completely mobile-friendly and allows you to create custom sliders within unlimited slides and css3 banner rotators with images, videos or HTML content inside of slides.

Using this plugin, you can easily populate data dynamically from Flickr, 500px, or featured posts of any post type whatever the post type is i.e, WooCommerce products. Proudly built-with CSS3 and HTML5. By the way, vertical as well as horizontal photo gallery thumbnails can be enabled via settings, ability to keep lazy-loading or full-screen over each single slide. Carousel also supports YouTube or Vimeo videos that allows you to create video galleries.

RoyalSlider – Touch Content Slider for WordPress Screenshot
RoyalSlider – Touch Content Slider for WordPress

Slider Revolution Responsive WordPress Plugin

Slider revolution responsive WordPress plugin lets you create responsive (mobile friendly), full-screen slider, SEO optimized slides (search engines can easily read all slide shows). See the heaps of custom transitions/animations for each object on the page. This simple responsive slider WordPress plugin let’s you customize your slider with convenient drag & drop backend to your very needs. By the way, the plugin features tons of unique transition effects, and let me tell you a few of them here. An image preloader, video embedding, auto-play that stops on user interaction and lots of easy to set options to create your own effects.

Slider Revolution Responsive WordPress Plugin screenshot
Slider Revolution Responsive WordPress Plugin

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LayerSlider Responsive WordPress Slider Plugin

LayerSlider is a responsive WordPress slider plugin and support WordPress 3.6 Oscar. Create your own custom transitions and use it with your slider. You can easily create normal, responsive, full-width, full-width + responsive & full-width + responsive Under slider. Smart resizing and repositioning image, video and even text sublayers in responsive modes including font-sizes, line-heights, etc. This plugin uses WYSIWYG editor to test your slider immediately. You can import/export and duplicating / disabling sliders, layers and sublayers features. Finally, working fine with MU installation.

LayerSlider Responsive WordPress Slider Plugin
LayerSlider Responsive WordPress Slider Plugin

Slider PRO – WordPress Premium Slider Plugin

Slider PRO is one of the most powerful slider plugins for WordPress. The slider is fully mobile-ready (responsive). You can set 150+ options, 100+ possible transition effects, from simple ‘fade’, ‘slide’ or ‘swipe’ effects to more complex slice effects, 15+ skins and much more. The slider’s administration area is powerful and uses the default WordPress design, which WordPress users are already familiar with.

Slider PRO - WordPress Premium Slider Plugin
Slider PRO – WordPress Premium Slider Plugin

Media Grid – WordPress Responsive Portfolio

With Media Grid WordPress plugin you can create responsive and filterable portfolios with ease on your website. Media Grid comes with masonry layout, is designed to adapt each portfolio to any situation and is mobile optimized for responsive themes.

Media Grid - WordPress Responsive Portfolio Screenshot

Banner Rotator / Content Slider WordPress Plugin

This responsive slider WordPress plugin comes with touch-screen navigation support for touch mobiles, tablets, etc. It’s a responsive slider plugin but you can disable responsive behaviour. Comes with 3 predefined skins. You can add 16 photo transition effects in the slider. The ability to add animated text from any direction such as top, bottom, left and right. External url link parameter for large image and target parameter for adding _blank or _self option to open the images in the new window. A lot more features are waiting once you install this plugin in your blog.

Extra Features

  • Width & height parameters
  • Autoplay parameter
  • Loop parameter
  • randomized images parameter
  • Show/hide controllers parameter
  • Show/hide bottom thumbs parameter
  • Circle timer parameters for color, dimensions, transparency
  • You can insert multiple instances in the same page with the same skin or using a different skin.
Banner Rotator  Content Slider WordPress Plugin Screenshot
Banner Rotator Content Slider WordPress Plugin Screenshot

Responsive Flip Book WordPress Plugin

Responsive flip book WordPress plugin is fully HTML & jQuery driven with no Flash Player needed. Works fine with desktop and mobile devices. Easy to customize with an advanced admin panel and you don’t need to be familiar with programming knowledge in order to setup this plugin perfectly. Easy page styling with HTML & CSS. Comes with clean and simple design.

Responsive Flip Book WordPress Plugin Screenshot
Responsive Flip Book WordPress Plugin Screenshot

Mega Slider – Responsive WordPress Slider Plugin

MegaSlider is responsive slider plugin with touch-swipe navigation. You can add text, image or video to your slider. With a friendly admin user interface and power timeline manager, MegaSlider is highly customizable slider for WordPress.

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Mega Slider - Responsive WordPress Slider Plugin
Click to enlarge the image

Nemus Slider

Nemus Slider is a powerful, yet simple and easy to use WordPress slider plugin. Great to create simple slide shows with photos, videos and HTML content. You can also create automated slides based on your WordPress posts.

Nemus Slider
Nemus Slider

WordPress Gold Slider

Gold Slider is a plugin for WordPress showcasing 4 posts at a time in the form of a sliding area.

WordPress Gold Slider
WordPress Gold Slider Screenshot

AllSlider – WordPress Responsive Slider Carousel

AllSlider is a responsive, touch enabled, slider carousel plugin for WordPress that allows you to create multiple sliders using a drag & drop interface and show them using a shortcode or a widget.

AllSlider - WordPress Responsive Slider Carousel
AllSlider WordPress Responsive Slider Carousel Screenshot

Thumbnail Scroller (WordPress Plugin)

Thumbnail scroller WP plugin let’s you easily add a thumbnail scroller to your blog posts/pages or with an inbuilt shortcode generator. The scroller is completely responsive, customizable, resizable and is compatible with all major browsers and devices such as iPhone, iPad and Android smartphones.

Check out  a few examples of thumbnail scroller below:

Thumbnail Scroller WordPress Plugin examples
Thumbnail Scroller WordPress Plugin examples

Responsive Zoom In/Out Slider WordPress Plugin

Zoom In/Out Effect Sliders Full Collection WordPress Plugin comes in 4 versions: Fixed Dimensions, Full Width, Full Screen and SideBar banners/Mini-Galeries.

Zoom In and Out Effect Sliders Full Collection WordPress Plugin
Zoom In and Out Effect Sliders Full Collection WordPress Plugin

PinMason Responsive Slider for WordPress

PinMason Slider for WordPress allows you to quickly and easily create Nivo powered sliders out of any Pinterest User or Board quickly and easily with no code or image uploading required.

PinMason Responsive Slider for WordPress
PinMason Responsive Slider for WordPress

Responsive Client Grid and Slider

WordPress super clients allows you to add a grid of clients or a client slider to any page of your WordPress site using an easy to use shortcodes. The plugin is fully responsive and works great on mobiles and tablets.

Responsive Client Grid and Slider
Responsive Client Grid and Slider

Showbiz Pro Responsive Teaser WordPress Plugin

Showbiz Pro Responsive Teaser WordPress Plugin
Showbiz Pro Responsive Teaser WordPress Plugin

WooCommerce Product Slider / Carousel

WooCommerce plugin to easily display favorite products or categories in an easy-to-use, elegant, full-featured slider using an easy-to-generate shortcode.

WooCommerce Product Slider Carousel
WooCommerce Product Slider / Carousel

Super Carousel – Responsive WordPress Plugin

Super Carousel - Responsive WordPress Plugin
Super Carousel – Responsive WordPress Plugin

FrameIt – Responsive WordPress Plugin

Frame your favourites landscape, squares or portrait images and animate them. You can create as many frames as you want or use the +25 presets included. Use separate images for each frame and add a link to each one.

FrameIt - Responsive WordPress Plugin
FrameIt – Responsive WordPress Plugin

UnoSlider for WP – Responsive Touch Enabled Slider

UnoSlider is a jQuery content slider plugin with an unlimited transition animations and a wide range of a features like touch enabled, mobile optimized interface, animated layers and a lot of other features.

UnoSlider for WP - Responsive Touch Enabled Slider
UnoSlider for WP – Responsive Touch Enabled Slider

MyCarousel – Responsive Carousel WordPress Plugin

MyCarousel is a responsive image + content carousel WordPress plugin. Allows user to create an image or content carousel using some easy steps. nextgen gallery support for upload and manage images with drag and drop features. In-build custom post type to manage content carousel.

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MyCarousel - Responsive Carousel WordPress Plugin
MyCarousel – Responsive Carousel WordPress Plugin

ZoomShowcase – Responsive Banner for WordPress

This is the WordPress version of one of my popular JavaScript plugins. Rebuilt from the ground up, the WordPress version is not only responsive but is also jQuery free, which means you won’t ever have to worry about jQuery conflicts.

ZoomShowcase - Responsive Banner for WordPress
ZoomShowcase – Responsive Banner for WordPress

Ultimate Smart Slider – WordPress

This is a plugin that scans a folder containing images in your WordPress and creates a Slider with the images. You only need to drag and drop images into that folder and that’s it, just put the shortocode where you want to show the slider.

Ultimate Smart Slider - WordPress
Ultimate Smart Slider – WordPress

Global Gallery – WordPress Responsive Gallery

Create fully responsive galleries faster and easier for your WordPress blog. Global Gallery WP plugin just comes with three gallery layouts, four lightboxes ready to use and is designed to be visible on each device: whether you are using a retina MacBook or an Android phone.

Global Gallery - WordPress Responsive Gallery
Global Gallery – WordPress Responsive Gallery

EZ Carousel – Modern WordPress Carousel Slider

EZ Carousel - Modern WordPress Carousel Slider
EZ Carousel – Modern WordPress Carousel Slider

WP E-commerce Products Slider

WP E-commerce Products Slider
WP E-commerce Products Slider

Multipurpose Bookshelf Slider – WordPress Plugin

Multipurpose Bookshelf Slider – WordPress Plugin is useful for displaying products such as books, magazines, dvd, cd and others. It’s a way to showcase products in an attractive manner.

Multipurpose Bookshelf Slider - WordPress Plugin
Multipurpose Bookshelf Slider – WordPress Plugin

Cute Slider WP – 3D & 2D HTML5 WordPress Slider

CuteSlider WP is really a 3D & 2D HTML5 Slider creator for your WordPress blog.  This comes with most  Stunning 3D & 2D effects, SEO Optimized,  Responsive and Cross browser supports Chrome, FireFox, Safari, Opera and IE8+.

Cute Slider WP - 3D 2D HTML5 WordPress Slider

Fancy 7 – WordPress Fancy Slider Plugin

Fancy 7 is one of the most complete image slider ever. It is built in latest WordPress and mobile compatible so anyone can easily use it without any restriction. And it is fully responsive and modern features like Video embed,Smart Lightbox are supported which make it more stunning.

Fancy 7 - WordPress Fancy Slider Plugin
Fancy 7 – WordPress Fancy Slider Plugin

Infy Slider – Truly Responsive WordPress Slider

Infy slider is truly responsive slider plugin for WordPress, is developed keeping mobile first to focus.

Infy Slider - Truly Responsive WordPress Slider
Infy Slider – Truly Responsive WordPress Slider

Lightspot Slider

Lightspot Slider is a WordPress plugin that allows you easy and fast to create and control image slider for your page header.

Lightspot Slider
Lightspot Slider

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