15+ Best Plugins to Add PayPal Donate Button in WordPress

I’m experiencing that out there are lots of bloggers who are trying to add PayPal donate button in WordPress blogs for receiving donations. Because these donations help them pay the upkeep costs of running their blogs. A few days back, I’d added a PayPal donation button between every post, and in the sidebar and one of my follower was asking me about how to add PayPal donate button in WordPress blog sidebar. Therefore, I’ve decided to write an article (in fact I have collected a list of 20 plugins to add PayPal donate button in WordPress) about how to add PayPal donate button in WordPress so that other WordPress blogs users can also be benefited.

Plugins to Add PayPal Donate Button in WordPress

1. PayPal Donations

PayPal Donations WordPress plugin let’s you add a PayPal donation button in your WordPress blog via shortcode. The shortcode can be placed wherever in your entire WP theme i.e, sidebar, footer, posts/pages to WordPress. The options menu lets you setup you PayPal ID and a few other optional settings. You can choose which donation button you want to use or if you want to use your own button.

2. WP Easy Paypal Payment Accept

WordPress Easy Paypal Payment or Donation Accept PluginWP Easy PayPal Payment Accept is WordPress plugin that is easy to use plugin to accept PayPal payments either for a service or product or for donations just on one click action. Using this plugin, you can add PayPal donate button wherever you want in your entire WordPress blog.

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3. Donate Plus

Donate Plus WordPress plugin is really awesome for accepting PayPal donations. This plugin allows you to place the shortcode wherever in your entire WP theme to display the donate button. The entire plugin is integrated with PayPal IPN so it will receive notification once a donation payment has been processed and put the donor information into your website (if they opted to be displayed).

4. Nice PayPal Button Lite

Nice PayPal Button Lite gives you the power to create PayPal Buy Now buttons wherever you choose, by simply adding shortcodes to your post or page.

Get this plugin

5. Easy PayPal Custom Fields

Easy PayPal Custom Fields plugin will add a PayPal “Donate Now” button to your WordPress blog very easily. There is no complicated shortcut syntax to remember (or to teach a client). You can select on which type of post (including your custom post types) you’d like to display the button. The settings page is available for default values (username, currency etc), which can be customized for individual posts.

Easy PayPal Custom Fields

6. Custom Post Donations

This plugin will allow you to add a unique styled PayPal donation widgets into your WordPress blog posts and pages to accept donations. Everything is customizable. And the premium version is come up with many new features but I hope you will like the free version of this plugin too.

Get this plugin

7. WP Paypal Simple Donation Widget

WP Paypal Simple Donation Widget is an easy to use PayPal sidebar widget allows you to place a PayPal button within your WordPress theme. You can choose between 3 standard buttons or use your own custom button too. It allows you to enter a default or minimum amount to be paid. This great widget will also allow you to put in custom text or html to display before the button within your widget.

Related  How to add conditional widgets in Multi-language WordPress site

8. Donate Extra

Start accepting donations on your WordPress site using PayPal. Use shortcodes or widgets to display a donation wall, total and the form. It takes a few minutes with Donate Extra plugin. Because donate extra will easily allow you to receive donations on your WordPress site via PayPal.

9. PayPal Pay Now, Buy Now, Donation and Cart Buttons Shortcode

This plugin adds paypal_button shortcode to display pay now, buy now, donation and add to cart PayPal buttons with facility to customize their PayPal checkout page. Customizable quantity field which is available as text box and drop down box with possible selected values or range of values for all types of buttons.

Get this plugin

10. Seamless Donations

Receive donations, track donors and send customized Thank You Messages with Seamless Donations for WordPress.

11. Paypal Donation Shortcode

Paypal Donation Shortcode plugin makes it easy to display a link to your own PayPal donation page. Includes options to set a fixed amount and select your own currency.

12. Simple Donate

Simple Donate WordPress Plugin

13. Smart Donations

14. Donate Through PayPal Widget

15. Donate via PayPal

donate via paypal

16. Doughnut – PayPal Donation Plugin


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