Tabzolo – One Tab Focus Google Chrome Extension

Want more Productivity tips??? Click here. By the way, let me just show you how to focus on one  tab in Google Chrome browser. No doubt, that this will not only increase your productivity but you’ll be able to get your work done by focusing on only one tab in the browser, instantly. I’ve already shared 50 Productivity Tips and this tip is one of them but in a descriptive way.

Tabzolo is an extension especially made for Google chrome browser which let’s you focus on only tab and prevent you from accessing other tabs in browser.

How does Tabzolo work?

TabZolo aims to be as simple to use as possible. Once installed, just click the TabZolo icon and it will hide all your inactive tabs and windows leaving you with your current tab. TabZolo will prevent you from accessing any other tabs or windows while enabled allowing you to focus on getting your current task done.

In the following screenshot you can see that many tabs are opened in the browser, where Tabzolo extension is disabled:

Tabzolo disabled
Click to enlarge the image

Whereas, in the following screenshot you can see the only one tab is accessible to the browser, where Tabzolo extension is enabled:

Tabzolo Enabled
Click to enlarge the image
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