Top 10 Best Internet Booster Android Apps

In today’s  article, let me just tell you about how we can boost internet speed in Android? Yep, you can boost your internet speed just by installing a couple of Android apps that really boosts internet speed. You can now enable turbo on your home internet connection’s speed so easily without paying a couple of dollars. By the way, previous I had shared device cleaner Android apps that will help users of Android smartphones/tablets to easily clean their devices up. Here comes the Best internet booster Android apps that will allow you to increase the speed of your internet connection within a few minutes.

Boost Internet Speed in Android

1. Internet Booster

Internet Booster Android Apps
Internet Booster Android Apps

Internet Booster Android application promises to boost up your slow internet connection speed by 25-50%. What actually internet booster app does, is simply clear the DNS cache, change Android files settings and speed up downloading your files, better video pre-buffering for example in YouTube application, faster opening websites by short time of refreshing. What I really, like that it will reduce your memory and CPU usage as well as allocate new video memory for your graphics device (GPU).

Moreover, you can see the entire tweaks that this app will make to boost the internet connection speed:

  1. Clear DNS Cache
  2. Clear browser cache
  3. Optimize Browser Settings by turning on experimental browser functions like 2D accelerating

Download Internet Booster for Android

2. Network Speed Booster

Network Speed Booster Android app renews the connection to cell sites to give a much improved signal reception & internet speed. Take giant leaps on your quest towards better online gaming and better data downloading speed, and internet browsing speed. You will be able to get advantage from this app, simply tap the Booster button and sit back and allow Network Speed Booster to present you with a fresh network and a highly increased data speed.

  • Improves your signal reception and Internet speeds
  • Improves your wi-fi signal
  • Gives you better call quality
  • Data connection switch
  • Maximizes your phone’s broadband radio power
  • WiFi state switch
  • Most intuitive network & internet booster app!
  • Airplane mode switch
  • A lot more to come
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Download Network Speed Booster Android


Download PDF


3. Network Signal Speed Booster

Network Signal Speed Booster app will make your internet browsing, and downloading faster than ever. If you think that your internet speed is not good enough? All you need to do, in order to improve your internet connection speed is simply install this app in your Android device. It will analyse 3G and your WiFi connection in your phone and accelerates it just by one-click action. Network signal speed booster application has been tested in several devices and works fine for many users who says that it speeds up internet transfer up to 17%. This app lets you reconnect to the strongest, fastest cell tower available on the place it was run. What you’ve got to lose? It’s free!

Download Network Signal Speed Booster

4. Internet Booster Xtreme

Internet Booster Xtreme app will improve your internet speed as well as phone speed surprisingly. Just install this turbo booster app and speed up your internet and phone speed today. This app will flush out your critical CPU resources which reduces the drain on your system’s speed, improve the performance significantly. This app refreshes your network to speed up your downloads and internet browsing.

Download Internet Booster Xtreme Android

5. Faster Internet 2x

Faster Internet 2x Android app will increase your internet speed by up to 2 times than its normal stage. Basically, this app uses special scripts and tactics to boost your internet speed. Works with both rooted as well as non-rooted phones. It also improves signal reception.

Download Faster Internet 2x Android

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6. Internet Booster & Optimizer

Internet booster & optimizer is an Android app that helps you to enhance your internet browsing experience and you can definitely see a gradual increase in your internet surfing speed. However, your internet speed is determined by your Internet Service Provider and this app cannot change but it still can improve your internet speed using many other factors that may affect how your device takes advantage of this speed.

Download Internet Booster & Optimizer Android

7. Internet Speed Master

Internet Speed master its a tool to help you improve internet connection. This will modify a system files to improve the connection in tcp/ip config. Its a know linux tweak so its safe using, however always do a backup before trying this. All ROMS supported, some ROMS already had this file so maybe its not necessary patch the System.

Download Internet Speed master for Android

8. Internet Booster

Internet Booster is the best Internet speed accelerator app. It can boost your internet speed by 50%-80%. Unlike other apps. This app speeds up your internet connection in multiple ways. At the very first place it cleans the DNS cache and improves the latency. This improves the ping speed if you play multi-player games. This app also stops unwanted background apps that use network.

Download Internet Booster Android

9. Internet Turbo Booster

This is the best Internet Turbo Booster and internet Optimizer for Android smartphones. One-click is all it takes to get faster internet. Using this app, you can achieve amazing results, faster internet speed and boost your broadband at no cost (free).

Key features:

  • Improves your signal reception
  • Improves 3G and 4G signal
  • Internet speed
  • Improves your wi-fi signal
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Download Internet Turbo Booster Android


FASTER INTERNET BOOSTER Android app increases the download speed and internet browsing of your device almost immediately. No need to restart the phone to see improved performance.

Download Faster Internet Booster Andorid


  1. I like these reviews, but there are always Q’s left unanswered: What about 4G/LTE? Do u run both Inet & WiFi utils? Run once, or every time u use the Inet? I read these good articles (thx), but I’m still left in the dark on how to proceed. And which one is really “the best”? Thx.

  2. Try app ‘Internet Booster’ and in ‘kernel audiutor’ you may set cubic in misc. You can also check if your router has enabled N speed. That helped me a lot. My ROM didn’t have good B support.

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