
CSS3PS – Photoshop Plugin to Convert PSD To CSS3

Let me tell you that Photoshop is not only the one choice for photo editing, however now you can use online photo editors to edit your personal photos much like you do edit in Photoshop.

Okay, start ahead… CSS3PS is a plugin of Photoshop that converts layers into CSS3 style so easily. CSS3Ps can really narrow down your work by 90%. It’s worth noting that in order for this plugin to convert appropriately.

Note: But make sure to use right Photoshop fx for showing effects


  1. Text layers
  2. Cloud service
  3. Multiple layers selection
  4. SCSS for Compass
  5. Vendor prefixes
  6. SASS for Compass
  7. Size
  8. Border radius
  9. Stroke
  10. Gradient Overlay
  11. Inner shadow
  12. Inner glow
  13. Outer glow
  14. Drop shadow

More features can be added if you want. Try emailing CSS3Ps developers at [email protected].

CSS3Ps – Cloud-based Photoshop plugin that converts your layers into CSS3 Style

Example of conversion:

CSS3Ps photoshop plugin Example

Compatibility: All major browsers
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