Download Cps Test 30 Seconds APK File for Android

Download Cps Test 30 Seconds 1.1 for Android

Cps Test 30 Seconds

In Productivity by Developer
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App Description

This test reveals how many clicks in 30 seconds can be done. The highest clicks performed in 30 seconds are 830 clicks. In 2010, Tom Andre Seppola from Norway held the world record for most clicks in 30 seconds. This measures up to 27.6 clicks per second.

How to improve your clicking speed in 30 seconds click test?
Your clicking speed is one of the most critical skills in any game where micro is required. Most players overlook it, but in reality it is EVEN MORE important than a macro. The faster you click, the harder it will be for your opponent to read you and the easier it will be to win a ton of money.

Practice clicking until your instantaneous speed exceeds 220 cps (counts per second) and then work on increasing your sustained speed over time. Making consistent money isn’t just about having better APM, but being so confident in your speed that your opponent can’t help but doubt his own ability to compete against you.

Remember, practice makes perfect when it comes to improving your clicking speed. Set up a 30 second timer while practicing and strive to beat every single time. Soon, you will be far ahead of your friends in terms of clicking prowess!

World Record for Most Clicks in 30 Seconds
Since 2010, no one has been able to break the record of Tom Andre Seppola. So his world record stands. 830 are the most clicks in 30 seconds. This is hardcore.

CPS Test 30 Seconds – FAQ’s
How many clicks in 30 seconds?
Normally a person can perform 8 to 10 clicks in one second. Multiplying these clicks with 30, the answer would be 300 clicks in 30 seconds.

How fast can you click in 30 seconds?
Anything above an average clicking speed is faster. If someone can do 310 clicks in 30 seconds, it is 10 clicks faster than an average human.

What is the average CPS speed using 30 seconds timer?
Averagely, a person can perform 210 to 300 clicks in thirty seconds, therefore 30 seconds cps speed would be around 7 to 10 CPS.

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Cps Test 30 Seconds is one of the best free Productivity apps & you are about to download very latest version of Cps Test 30 Seconds 1.1. So, to start downloading the APK file of Cps Test 30 Seconds on your Android smartphone, we provide direct download link below for Cps Test 30 Seconds 1.1.

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All the apps & games are for home or personal use only. If any apk files download infringes your copyright, please contact us. Cps Test 30 Seconds is the property and trademark from the developer Hidden Logics.


Cps Test 30 Seconds file information

File name: com-rdm-cpstest30seconds-1-1_SOFTSTRIBE.apk
Version: 1.1
Uploaded: July 16, 2022
File size: 2.01 MBs
Minimum Android version: Android 6.0 and up

Cps Test 30 Seconds APK 1.1:

Cps Test 30 Seconds APK v1.1 (479)Download APK from secure server >> File size: 2.01 MBs


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