Download Go Shopping: list organizer APK File for Android

Download Go Shopping: list organizer 3.19.2 for Android

Go Shopping: list organizer

In Shopping by Developer
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App Description

- Writing out your lists by hand ?
- Want to order list items by your route around a shop ?
- Guessing the cost of your shopping list ?
- Can’t easily share your lists with others ?

With Go Shopping you can manage all your shopping and grocery lists on your device.

Simple to use:
1. Create a list
2. Add your items
3. Go shopping

For more advanced users, create shops and categories and assign to items to filter and order your lists.

✔ Create multiple lists
✔ Order lists by your route around a shop
✔ Mark off items as you shop
✔ Filter items for the shop you are in
✔ Give items prices, see total list cost
✔ Predictive matching and auto-complete when adding items
✔ Create recipes for collections of items
✔ Colour-code shops and categories
✔ Share lists between devices and with others

Much more than just a simple to-do list. Designed for shopping lists, and easy to use with an elegant design.

Go Shopping is completely free to use, without restriction or limitation.

Built-in tutorial and help pages guide you through how to use the app.

Create multiple lists, such as weekly and monthly shop. Organize your lists into shops, or a single list with multiple shops, or any combination of these - however you want them arranged to suit how you shop and do your lists.

Create recipes for groups or collections of items you regularly buy. Then you can simply copy them into your shopping list when you are ready to buy.

Copy and append lists - useful if you don't buy everything and you can easily copy un-bought items onto your next list.

Manage your lists on one device, such as a tablet for example, and transfer lists to another such as your phone to go shopping with; or share with someone else if they are doing your shopping for you. Then import it back in to pick up any un-bought items.

Add items to lists with shop, category, quantity, notes, and mark as "must buy".

Assign prices to each item, including for different shops. See the total cost of all items on a list. Changing prices automatically updates the price of the same item in all lists.

Auto-complete and predictive matching when you add new items. It will match up the same or similar items you have previously bought as you type, and automatically select the same shop, category and price of when you last added the item to a list.

When you've been shopping, simply update any item price changes and the app will remember the next time you add those items.

When you go shopping mark off items as you buy them, or mark them as 'not found' or 'part bought' so you'll know to buy these again.

Filter shopping lists to only show the shop you are currently in.

Automatically order your list for the route you take around the shop, or you can change to a different ordering such as by list or alphabetical.

Change shop for an item if you can't find it in the shop you are in.

Lock the screen while you are in the shop to avoid unwanted clicks and having to lock the device itself.

Shops & Categories
Create shops for where you buy your shopping.

Create categories for such things as aisles, departments, type of item.

Assign categories to shops and order the categories to match the route you take around each shop.

Colour-code shops and categories to make them more visible and clearer grouping.

You are downloading Go Shopping: list organizer 3.19.2 APK file for Android smartphones/tablets which requires Android 6.0 and up. Go Shopping: list organizer is one of the best free Shopping apps, you should try it.

To start downloading the APK file of Go Shopping: list organizer 3.19.2 make sure you choose one of the server locations below. After downloading the APK file of Go Shopping: list organizer move the downloaded file to your SD card or your Android smartphone's internal memory and then use any Android file manager you prefer to browse & install it.

But make sure you have enabled the third-party app installation to run APK files in Android.

Go Shopping: list organizer is one of the best free Shopping apps & you are about to download very latest version of Go Shopping: list organizer 3.19.2. So, to start downloading the APK file of Go Shopping: list organizer on your Android smartphone, we provide direct download link below for Go Shopping: list organizer 3.19.2.

Go Shopping: list organizer Android apps is the property & trademark from CobraApps and all rights reserved by CobraApps. You have provided direct downloadable link below to download the original free apk download package.

Please be aware that only share the original and free apk installer package for Go Shopping: list organizer 3.19.2 without any modifications or any alterations within the .apk file package for illegal activities.

If you wish to run Go Shopping: list organizer APK for PC, make sure you read the article.

All the apps & games are for home or personal use only. If any apk files download infringes your copyright, please contact us. Go Shopping: list organizer is the property and trademark from the developer CobraApps.


Go Shopping: list organizer file information

File name: com-cobraapps-goshopping-3-19-2_SOFTSTRIBE.apk
Version: 3.19.2
Uploaded: April 05, 2024
File size: 6.98 MBs
Minimum Android version: Android 6.0 and up

Go Shopping: list organizer APK 3.19.2:

Go Shopping: list organizer APK v3.19.2 (479)Download APK from secure server >> File size: 6.98 MBs

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