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Download Othership: Guided Breathwork APK File for Android

Download Othership: Guided Breathwork 1.6.3 for Android

Othership: Guided Breathwork

In Health & Fitness by Developer
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App Description

Othership is a music-driven breathwork app designed to help you shift your state one breath at a time.

Cultivate big lung energy and harness the power of your breath to regulate your nervous system through your energetic, mental and emotional bodies in as little as 60 seconds for up to 60 minutes.

Consider this your new daily ritual to energize and start your day, improve focus + performance, decompress after work, wind down for a deep sleep, or release negative emotions with short + effective exercises when you need them most.

Our active sessions are set to music with guidance from world-renowned breathwork facilitators to shift your body + brain quickly. Rooted in ancient tradition, informed by modern science, and inspired by magic, Othership’s meticulously curated guided breathwork practices are simultaneously playful and effective.

Explore the ins + outs of your breath with guidance from psychotherapists, wellness practitioners, hypnotherapists, artists, DJ’s, spiritual teachers, and life coaches, featuring breathwork, guided meditations, affirmations + visualizations, sound healing, hypnosis, somatic release therapy, vocal toning, self-massage, mindful walking + working, movement + dance, and more trippy stuff.

Our app features daily UP and DOWN sessions to keep your practice feeling fresh. Spend less time deciding and more time breathing. Our curated weekly practice offers a longer haul, transformative journey designed to give you a complete release + reset from the stressors of modern living.

Othership offers five types of daily breathing styles with unique benefits:

Harness the power of your breath to energize and kickstart your day. Cultivate focus and productivity. Fight fatigue and tap vitality. Explore elevating practices to get lifted and stay lifted.

Build a routine for deep rest and better sleep. Unwind with practices to de-stress and linger in stillness. Soothe anxiety and find centre.

Practice self-care with deeply transformative journeys designed to create the space + presence needed to gather meaningful insights. Reach altered states, regulate your emotions, and cultivate mind-body connection.

Combine conscious breathing with mindful movement and embodiment practices including self-massage, gentle stretching, dancing, and somatic therapy.

Learn the science behind how + why we do breathwork. Try a benchmark breathing test to track your progress from A to B to infinity.

Shift your state through a medley of breathing styles including: box breath, diaphragmatic breathing, Wim Hof Method, ocean breath, alternate nostril, 4-7-8 breathing, Buteyko Method, coherent breathing, breath of fire, triangle breath, dynamic breathing, kundalini pranayam, up-regulated breathing and lots more.

Come for the journey. Stay for the shift.

- Access to 500+ on-demand breathwork sessions
- Inspiring soundscapes from sound healing musicians, artists and DJs
- Streak and progress tracking
- Custom challenges and pathways to meet your mindfulness goals
- World-renowned breathwork facilitators
- Curated daily notifications to amplify your practice and ignite your personal growth
- Stay inspired with new sessions released weekly
- A global community of daily breathers

Transformation in your hands.

T’s + C’s
To learn more about our Terms + Conditions, please visit:

You are downloading Othership: Guided Breathwork 1.6.3 APK file for Android smartphones/tablets which requires Android 8.0 and up. Othership: Guided Breathwork is one of the best free Health & Fitness apps, you should try it.

To start downloading the APK file of Othership: Guided Breathwork 1.6.3 make sure you choose one of the server locations below. After downloading the APK file of Othership: Guided Breathwork move the downloaded file to your SD card or your Android smartphone's internal memory and then use any Android file manager you prefer to browse & install it.

But make sure you have enabled the third-party app installation to run APK files in Android.

Othership: Guided Breathwork is one of the best free Health & Fitness apps & you are about to download very latest version of Othership: Guided Breathwork 1.6.3. So, to start downloading the APK file of Othership: Guided Breathwork on your Android smartphone, we provide direct download link below for Othership: Guided Breathwork 1.6.3.

Othership: Guided Breathwork Android apps is the property & trademark from Othership and all rights reserved by Othership. You have provided direct downloadable link below to download the original free apk download package.

Please be aware that only share the original and free apk installer package for Othership: Guided Breathwork 1.6.3 without any modifications or any alterations within the .apk file package for illegal activities.

If you wish to run Othership: Guided Breathwork APK for PC, make sure you read the article.

All the apps & games are for home or personal use only. If any apk files download infringes your copyright, please contact us. Othership: Guided Breathwork is the property and trademark from the developer Othership.


Othership: Guided Breathwork file information

File name: com-breathwork-othership-1-6-3_SOFTSTRIBE.apk
Version: 1.6.3
Uploaded: March 20, 2024
File size: 53.60 MBs
Minimum Android version: Android 8.0 and up

Othership: Guided Breathwork APK 1.6.3:

Othership: Guided Breathwork APK v1.6.3 (479)Download APK from secure server >> File size: 53.60 MBs

Get Othership: Guided Breathwork from Google Play Store


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